Here I am AGAIN

LeAnn B.
on 4/8/15 2:10 am - OH

That's so great to hear! Maybe we can email each other? I'd like that! Can I ask what you found difficult about pre op and right after? I have so many questions! D: oh! Did you take time off work? 

Sandra F.
on 4/8/15 8:51 am

Absolutely, let's definitely keep in touch.  Regarding the pre-op diet, I was absolutely starving the whole time.  I could have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and then a lean protein for dinner.  I SO wanted more food than that!  The first 2 weeks after surgery, I was on liquids.  I felt pretty nauseous the whole time and really wanted something other than chicken broth to eat.  Week 3-4 I could eat pureed foods, but I got so sick of everything.  There are only so many things my sleeve would tolerate.  I was lactose intolerant for a while, which I found out by puking from both milk and cheese.  (That got better at the 2nd month and I can now have both.)  I got sick off of eggs as well.  My stomach is extremely sensitive, has always been sensitive, and didn't take to the sleeve too well at first.  I was pretty much sick the whole first month.  I hope that I am not scaring you.  Some people on here are absolutely fine and have no issues at all, so if you do decide to get the surgery, hopefully you will be in that category.  My stomach has always been more sensitive than most people.  I never felt hungry or full for the first 2-3 months, which was weird.  It also made it difficult to figure out how much food was too much, so I had a few puking/nausea episodes from eating too much.  It was definitely a learning process and I guess I am dumb because I didn't learn too quickly.  I think that most people on here figured out their full point much quicker than me.  Also, most doctors in the states make the patients start measuring everything.  I would definitely recommend that.  I took off 2 weeks from work, and had surgery on the first Monday that I was off work.  We traveled on Saturday and stayed in San Diego for an extra day.  I kind of wish I had taken more time though, as sick as I was.  I also was very weak and tired, from the decrease in calories, but my body got used to it.  I feel SO much better now and have no issues with food other than sometimes eggs still bother me slightly.  I have so much more energy and have gone down 2-3 sizes in clothing.  Sorry for the long post.  I'm sure this is way too much info!  Ask me more if you like!



LeAnn B.
on 4/8/15 9:20 am - OH

This was fantastic! I needed to hear all this! It didn't scare me at all. It's honest. And I have to expect that this is all rainbows and unicorns. But I'm so fed up with how I feel now that I am willing to do whatever it takes to feel better. I will definitely measure things, I'm glad you brought that up. I'm gonna try and private message you my email.... It may not work. Haha

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