Seconds thoughts & new full sense device
Yeah not sure from a phone either. Plus they are an idiot as I am now looking it over.
Hey we are all in a weird place right before we have surgery. I had something that really set me off and got me so scared. I don't want to share as I know you are already nervous enough. The fact is this surgery is less risky then gall bladder surgery and other routine surgeries according to studies.
on 4/10/15 7:00 am
I think it's important to remember that bloggers are just people with (often uninformed) opinions and a platform, not purveyors of medical advice. I'm all for loving yourself at every size, but working in the healthcare field, I see the devastation of the complications of obesity daily. There's a reason you don't see many people 60+ years old who weigh over 400 lbs. And I'm sorry, but regardless of how much I love myself, I was not healthy as a 20-something with DMII, hypertension, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, joint pain, and the inability to walk my dog without plantar fasciitis bringing me to tears.
Crap like this is why I stopped visiting Jezebel.