Last attempt: Looking for post GB food advice and truths from vsg-ers

on 4/4/15 10:43 pm
VSG on 04/30/14

(reposting as I apparently cannot do this correctly, sorry)

I had my vsg 11 months ago, hit goal and now am scheduled to have my gallbladder out in a few weeks, almost on my surgiversary. I'm trying to get info on what foods to eat afterwards and have read some scary, scary stuff on the internet about ongoing gas, flatulence and embarrassing urgent diarrhea after gallbladder removal with dairy products, meat, coffee and some veggies. People's accounts of difficulty with many foods and some having to resort to wearing Depends when eating out. Needless to say, I'm scared.

I am a fairly low-carber and foods like eggs, cheese (25% or less mf), greek yogurt (0-2% mf), pb2, meat/jerky/turkey pepperoni are real staples in my diet.  Carbs beyond fruits and veggies are real triggers for me.  How much will I have to change my diet post-surgery? If i have to move to a low fat/high carb food plan it will be a big issue for me, realistically.  I don't deal well with those foods and am actually considering postponing the surgery and living with my faulty GB and pain because i'm terrified of gaining weight back. And I don't think I could cope with eating trigger foods and the effect they have on me.

I'm looking for real truths from VSG vets who've had their GB removed.  What does your food plan look like post-GB surgery? what are ongoing side effects? Can I still eat fairly low carb?  Am I looking at a future with Depends when I go out to eat? (seriously).


Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

on 4/4/15 11:02 pm

I had my gallbladder removed at the same time as my VSG. I am happy to say, I do not have to wear depends. My post op diet has not varied from others I've read here. I do not eat high carb, and I tend to have more problems with constipation than diarrhea. I'm sure everyone's experiences are different but don't lose sleep worrying about it.



HW: 388 SW: 240 CW: 172      Surgery Date 11/07/2014     VSG with Dr. Chengelis

Crystal A.
on 4/5/15 12:50 am

That's great to hear. I am scheduled to have both (vsg and gb) done on Tuesday!

on 4/5/15 12:53 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On April 5, 2015 at 5:43 AM Pacific Time, MissNexxie wrote:

(reposting as I apparently cannot do this correctly, sorry)

I had my vsg 11 months ago, hit goal and now am scheduled to have my gallbladder out in a few weeks, almost on my surgiversary. I'm trying to get info on what foods to eat afterwards and have read some scary, scary stuff on the internet about ongoing gas, flatulence and embarrassing urgent diarrhea after gallbladder removal with dairy products, meat, coffee and some veggies. People's accounts of difficulty with many foods and some having to resort to wearing Depends when eating out. Needless to say, I'm scared.

I am a fairly low-carber and foods like eggs, cheese (25% or less mf), greek yogurt (0-2% mf), pb2, meat/jerky/turkey pepperoni are real staples in my diet.  Carbs beyond fruits and veggies are real triggers for me.  How much will I have to change my diet post-surgery? If i have to move to a low fat/high carb food plan it will be a big issue for me, realistically.  I don't deal well with those foods and am actually considering postponing the surgery and living with my faulty GB and pain because i'm terrified of gaining weight back. And I don't think I could cope with eating trigger foods and the effect they have on me.

I'm looking for real truths from VSG vets who've had their GB removed.  What does your food plan look like post-GB surgery? what are ongoing side effects? Can I still eat fairly low carb?  Am I looking at a future with Depends when I go out to eat? (seriously).


I had my gb out. The year before I had my vsg. I changed my diet not at all after the gb surgery and had none of those problems you mention. 

After wls,I als eat high protein,high fat and low carb and also tended to co stupa ton,before I converted to the DS a couple of weeks ago. 

I. Think you willbe fine as you are. Don't put off the gb surgery,if it ruptures and it CAn,you willbe a very very sick puppy with emergency surgery in your very near future.




on 4/5/15 2:11 am - NC
VSG on 03/11/15

I had my GB removed several years ago and never had any of those problems either.  No diet change, no diarrhea nothing.  Don't put it off.  Get it done before it creates worse problems and pains.  Good luck.. Pam



(deactivated member)
on 4/5/15 4:08 am

I had my GB removed about 18 momths prior to vsg. I have absolutely no food restrictions now. BUT....

the first year post GB removal I did have some interesting symptoms. I DID NOT have severe symptoms like you describe in your post, but I did have the issue of my gut not being used to having the bile acid dumped right on in without having the GB storing it and releasing it as needed. So, because of this I had an acidy anal leakage for a few months. It was irritating and uncomfortable, but it was short lived. I'm going to say maybe 6 to 9 months.

Today, I can eat anything with no ill effects whatsoever! Life without a GB is far more pleasant, believe you me! Get it done and don't look back!

on 4/5/15 4:26 am

Had my gallbladder out several years ago, previous to VSG. Other than my recovery time and not being able to lift my young son, I didn't have any of those issues.

Remember that everything on the internet is true, LOL! Trust me, life after gallbladder removal is much better. No more worries about attacks and pain. Think of all the horror stories about VSG and how excellent life is now!! Best of luck to you. Soon you will be better than new



SW: 219   HW:253  CW: 156  GOAL: 150  Goal: 5K  Eventual Goal with running:140

on 4/5/15 4:40 am
VSG on 04/30/14

Thank you everyone for your information.  It has eased my mind.  I do recall when researching VSG all the horrific information I found on the internet that was quite scary.  Other than this nasty gallbladder I can say I was pretty 'textbook'.  I will look forward with confidence that the GB removal will be the same.

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

on 4/5/15 9:38 am - Vancouver, WA

Rule #1 Stay off the internet except for reliable sites like WebMD and Mayo clinic for medical information! Any yo yo can put out stuff on you tube and usually do. For medical information go to medical sites not just people in general.

#2. I have never ever read here or any place else about those kinds of side effects from GB removal. So ignore 90% of what you read.

#3 I had mine out a year after my lap band was put in and had no problems what so ever. I eat exactly the way I ate before, high protein/low carb/moderate healthy fats. I've continued to lose eating this way so I see no problems. Never heard of needing Depends, that's just crazy!!!

Carry on and enjoy your new life!


on 4/5/15 10:05 am
VSG on 03/07/15

I had my gallbladder removed almost two years ago & didn't have any big problems once I was recovered. I did end up with rogue stones & a bike leak that required repair about a week after surgery and caused a TON of pain. But once I was recovered, I didn't have any diet issues. 

I kept away from spicy foods and high fat foods for about six months after. After that, I could eat some higher fat foods and spicy foods. If I ate too much fat, I definitely noticed but never came close to needing Depends! 

Since my pre-op diet & VSG, I've had no big issues with keeping to a low carb diet - and having more fat than I did pre-op.

Usually my issues post-GB removal were related to sweets, especially sweets with dairy. My lactose intolerance got worse. Obviously I've not had much in the way of sweets since VSG & I've not had any sweets high in dairy. I haven't had a problem with eggs, Greek yogurt, or cheese. 


VSG on 3/7/15. 

Add me on myfitnesspal: molfish6 


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