long before your hair grew back and was normal again?
Hey all! So around the 5-6 month mark, I lost at least half my hair. It stopped coming out at around 7-8 month mark. Here I am at 1 yr out, and am just wondering how long it took for your hair to be normal again? Did it ever go back to being normal (pre-surg)? I know every ones hair grows differently. Just curious on every ones experience on this.
Hi there - you have my total sympathy because the same thing happened to me. I may have lost even more than half of my hair and it didn't even slow down until 1 year post-op. My hair has gotten back to normal (which was thinning/fine at best before surgery) and is super shiny and healthy according to my hair guy.
It was a good 18 months post-op before I felt like my hair was anywhere close to "normal". But I do say that I am an extreme case of hair loss - definitely not the norm!
Hi Tracy! Hope all is well with you! Yes, its "at least" half for me too. Its really bad! Thank you! I am so glad to hear it came back to what you had prior to surgery though! I can't lie when I say I am worried about it coming back all the way for me though :( I do have a bunch of like 1-2 inch hairs sticking out at my front hair line though :)
I also lost a lot of hair starting at three months and going into the 7th or 8th month post op. At 9 months, I had a crop of short hair sticking straight up on top of my head and I was so happy to see it, that I didn't even mind that I looked scruffy! hehehe. By one year, it was looking better. I'm at almost 2 years post op, and I still have a lot of short hair on top of my head, so I'm not fully back to normal, but I'm ok with it.
best of luck,

Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385, Surgery Weight 333, Current Weight 160. At GOAL!
Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12 8-8
9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3 18-3
Another thing that varies from person to person, but I did not start losing hair until after 6 months out (I thought I'd dodged a bullet). It did not stop until around 3 month ago, so about 15 months out it stopped.
It started growing back right away as I lost it, and it is still a bit frizzy where the new growth is coming in. Thankfully, I had SUPER thick hair to begin with and it was only noticeable by me, but very recently is has started to look more tame. "normal" Finally! :)
How long is your hair? It grows between 1/2 and one inch a month. So if it is six inches long it could be a year before it is fully replaced. By two years out you could have two feet of new growth. Most people get a shorter cut and let it fill in and grow back.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hi After three months all my hair came back, now it's all full and better than before.
I took 5000 mcg of Biotin soon after my VSG, and I think that helped a lot.
I am post-op 14 months, down 100 lbs and feeling great. ( SW 260 )
The best to you.
Lou 88