Rough Patch

on 4/5/15 3:14 am
VSG on 05/17/14

The last couple weeks have been pretty bad.  I was having a lot of pain on the right side of my behind.  When the pain became unbearable and I went to the doctor, they found a golf ball size abscess in my perirectal area. Long story short, I was in the hospital for several days and the abscess had to be surgically drained because it was too deep to be done otherwise. By the time it was drained 24 hours after diagnosis, it had doubled in size. It now has to be packed with gauze every day. A task that my husband has taken on like a champ. 

I am currently taking Cipro and Flagyl twice a day and they are killing my stomach. I have no desire to eat or drink anything because I wind up with stomach pain and diarrhea when I eat. The BRAT diet was suggested to me but I don't eat applesauce or bananas and rice and toast I try to avoid.  I'm so exhausted just trying to get through this whole thing and get back to regular life. I am so hoping that once my antibiotics are done on Thursday, I will start feeling human again!

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/15 4:15 am

Sometimes when we are ill to get well we have to adjust our eating. If your stomach is tender because of the meds you may need to adjust your eating for a few days. Don't get stuck into the rules of post VSG eating. Think about what your body  needs. You know you don't want to be dehydrated because that can lead to a host of dangerous problems all on its own.

It sounds like you are being asked to follow a bland diet. Maybe there are other bland foods that you are more inclined to eat. Maybe steel cut oats, grits, or boiled or plainly baked chicken breast. Nutrition will help you heal. I have always found that if I listen very closely to my body it will tell me what it wants to eat. It's hard to do when we are so programed to eat this or that, but in your case I think you need to get nutrition in to help you heal and get well.

Best wishes for a good recovery.

on 4/5/15 4:44 am
VSG on 11/06/14

I agree with kairk. Just eat whatever your body can handle at this point. Get plenty of rest and don't rush getting back to regular life yet. You have been through a rough time!  Hope you feel better soon. (Your husband is such a doll for helping you!)

on 4/5/15 9:27 am - Vancouver, WA

I agree with the others you need something to eat, your body needs fuel to heal especially protein. So eat what works and try to get some protein drinks in for extra protein. The less you have in your stomach the harder the meds are on it. I just spent 18 mos on some really strong antibiotics for a drug resistant lung bacteria and it just tore my stomach up horribly I stopped them several days ago and can finally eat normal food again very carefully. You need a certain amount of food plus antibiotics are very hard on the stomach so don't push your luck. You don't have a whole lot of stomach area to be playing with getting ulcers. Follow their directions till you get some strength back. Life happens and we gotta go with the flow.

on 4/5/15 10:21 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On April 5, 2015 at 10:14 AM Pacific Time, megan.sherman wrote:

The last couple weeks have been pretty bad.  I was having a lot of pain on the right side of my behind.  When the pain became unbearable and I went to the doctor, they found a golf ball size abscess in my perirectal area. Long story short, I was in the hospital for several days and the abscess had to be surgically drained because it was too deep to be done otherwise. By the time it was drained 24 hours after diagnosis, it had doubled in size. It now has to be packed with gauze every day. A task that my husband has taken on like a champ. 

I am currently taking Cipro and Flagyl twice a day and they are killing my stomach. I have no desire to eat or drink anything because I wind up with stomach pain and diarrhea when I eat. The BRAT diet was suggested to me but I don't eat applesauce or bananas and rice and toast I try to avoid.  I'm so exhausted just trying to get through this whole thing and get back to regular life. I am so hoping that once my antibiotics are done on Thursday, I will start feeling human again!

I feel you on not wanting to eat carbs. Otoh,you need nutrition to heal and something on your stomach to cushion the antibiotics. 

What about cream soups or maybe protein shakes for a while?




on 4/5/15 11:10 am
RNY on 02/19/15

I had an abscess too and a few days in the hospital being blasted with different antibiotics. It did a number on my tummy too! I went home with another ten days' worth and a prescription for extra strength Imodium, which did very little to prevent the diarrhea. Warm drinks helped a little; you have to be extra careful to get lots of liquids since the diarrhea will dry you out.

It took 2-3 days after I finished the antibiotics for things to settle down. I also wasn't able to eat much. In fact when my surgeon checked up on me in the hospital she told me I needed to eat more! I mostly ate plain greek yogurt with protein powder mixed in, tuna fish and tilapia. You know, soft and easy but not carbs. I attribute my 2-400 calories per day to the reason I lost 30+ lbs the first month...I was actually worried it wouldn't slow down, lol.

I've been home for about 3.5 weeks and feel much, much better with just a little soreness where my abscess was. I was very fortunate they were able to place a drain while I was in the CT machine and it drained everything right out. They were threatening me with open surgery to clean it out like they did yours and it sounded absolutely horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that! And I hope you start feeling better soon. Finishing up the antibiotics will really help.

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 4/6/15 1:29 am

Yogurt is good for stomach issues too...I think the BRAT diet has been redefined as the BRATY diet to include yogurt.  Some probiotics might help too.  I hope you feel better soon. 

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