Got Stones? I do!

on 3/30/15 11:45 am
VSG on 03/05/14

Omg! I've been feeling nauseas and had cramps and thought my monthly must be coming because I recently stopped my BC. Then I didn't get it and thought, pregnant? Nope,then A few weeks later, Friday, I thought I was dying. I know what gallstones feel like and now I know that kidney stones feel the same, like you are dying!

So it's now Monday and I have yet to pass this tiny .7mm stone that is ripping me up. I am on heavy pain killers and can't see my urologist until April 13th, I guess they want me hooked on narcotics because I feel like they should make me wait. But fives yrs ago when my gall bladder was infected it was Christmas and nobody could take it out until jan 6. So I literally was dying,  got pancreatitus and was living off of opiates...oh yeah, I was a first time mom too and had a newborn at home..soo

I may be slightly dramatic given past exporences but I seriously hate taking narcs. They make it so I'm not writhing in pain and can function but the side effects like nausea and constipation, hot flashes, insomnia I can do with out.

I know I need to drink drink and drink. Anything else I can do to pass this stone? Thank you.

on 3/30/15 10:16 pm
VSG on 04/01/15

I'm so sorry! I've had several kidney stones ant they suck. Continue to drink a lot of water to help flu**** out. Also, did they give you a medicine to help dilate your ureter? I was given the prostate medicine Flomax last time I had one and it seemed to help.

5' 4" tall, HW: 242, SW:215.4 Weight Loss - pre-op: - 26.6, M1: -15.4, M2: -16, M3: -11.4, M4: -11.2, M5: -12.2, M6: -7.4, M7: -7.8, M8: -2.0 Goal of 130 lbs. reached at 8 months, 2 days post-op!

on 3/31/15 4:30 am

I'm so sorry you feel so badly.  I was just in the hospital for my kidney stones.  They were so big, and I had so many that I had to have them removed through my back.  It wasn't bad at all.  I was in the hospital overnight and released the next day.

You do need to drink and drink, and get up and move around.  it is probably the last thing you want to do. . . but drink and walk.

Good Luck.

on 3/31/15 4:32 am

Yes, drink tons of water and walk to get things moving. 

on 3/31/15 4:55 am
VSG on 03/07/15

Ugh. That sucks & I'm sorry you feel so sick. As others have said, drink water. If that doesn't work in a couple days you might need a trip to the ER. 


VSG on 3/7/15. 

Add me on myfitnesspal: molfish6 


on 4/13/15 1:49 pm
VSG on 03/05/14

Thanks everyone for your support! I need it. Unfortunately my stone is large and stuck too high in my ureter to get blasted. I need to get a stent put in for a week. Doc said drinking tons of water isn't going to help me, only give me pain...not like I could chug water if I wanted too. So still on pain meds and waiting until Wednesday to get this stone out, I think he is lasering it then putting stent in. I'm calling in am to verify.  

Wsh me luck!

on 4/13/15 4:47 pm - Selma(San Antonio), TX
VSG on 04/22/14

I had a very  similar  experience in  December .  Somehow,  I did not have intense  pain.  Just a dull ache. 

Surgery Date 04-22-14 HW 2011 388(lost 60lbs on WW, regained 40) Surgery Consult Weight 1/10/14 - 367 SW 357 - CW 9/15 210.

Stalls are your body's way of telling you not to get too cocky.

5K - 1st 59:00(9/14) PR 33:45(9/15)

10K - 1:14(10/15) 1/2 - 1st 3/20/16

on 4/13/15 8:24 pm
VSG on 03/05/14

What happened? 

on 4/13/15 10:32 pm, edited 4/13/15 10:33 pm - Selma(San Antonio), TX
VSG on 04/22/14

I had to have a 8.4 mm stone blasted on 12/4.  It was stuck in the right ureter and was eroding the wall.  They CT Scan showed several more stones on the right and 2 on the left.  What is weird is that I never passed a stone.  Peed a lot of blood though.  I had another procedure 12/31 to get the other stones out but he could not find any.  I guess they dissolved on their own.  He left a stent in for 6 weeks at that point.

He did take me off the calcium supplements as my calcium levels were off the charts.  When they took the stent out, it was starting to calcify.

Surgery Date 04-22-14 HW 2011 388(lost 60lbs on WW, regained 40) Surgery Consult Weight 1/10/14 - 367 SW 357 - CW 9/15 210.

Stalls are your body's way of telling you not to get too cocky.

5K - 1st 59:00(9/14) PR 33:45(9/15)

10K - 1:14(10/15) 1/2 - 1st 3/20/16

on 4/13/15 10:36 pm - Selma(San Antonio), TX
VSG on 04/22/14

The way different advice my doctor gives is not to force fluids.  He says the pain comes from the pressure of the fluid backing up because of the stone blocking the ureter and forcing fluids causes more pain.

Surgery Date 04-22-14 HW 2011 388(lost 60lbs on WW, regained 40) Surgery Consult Weight 1/10/14 - 367 SW 357 - CW 9/15 210.

Stalls are your body's way of telling you not to get too cocky.

5K - 1st 59:00(9/14) PR 33:45(9/15)

10K - 1:14(10/15) 1/2 - 1st 3/20/16

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