Negative Comments

on 3/27/15 12:08 am - NYC, NY
VSG on 10/08/14

Once I decided to have the gastric sleeve, I never wavered and had no problems telling friends and coworkers alike of my plan. Being a nurse the comments I received were out of concern for my safety, since we see the patients who are not doing well and never the ones who are a success. But I simply told every one I'm a grown woman I do what I want and I'm tired of fighting the battle of the bulge. They all calmed down and became supportive. Fast forward to 6 months later next week and I have received my first negative comment about how" fast" the weight is coming off.

Hadn't seen a coworker in several months, but she knows that I had surgery and was losing weight. When she saw me she immediately said "I don't like it, you look like you're on Crack!!!" I said do I really?! she said "yes, you don't look good! you are losing it too fast!! If I didn't know you, I'd think you were on crack!!" With a huge smile on my face, I told her THANK YOU!! That's the best thing anyone has said to me in a long time!!! I wi**** was dropping off faster!! Then we parted cause I'm still working and had patients to take care of. When I finished my shift, I saw her again and she began to tell me than I'm getting to small and that she is telling me the truth because she loves me! "Everyone else who said you look good are lying to you and don't love you!" I was a bit taken back by that comment.  Because that would mean ALL of my coworkers, bosses, parents, siblings, aunts, cousins, friends, and even my patients DON'T LOVE ME!!!! Thank God I am secure in what I am doing for me, or this would have derailed my weight loss. As a matter of fact I've lost another pound and still dropping. Mind you this is a woman who could benefit from losing weight, but she says her man is happy with her this way. By the way, my man is happy with me being happy, whether that is big or small, he said he will support me in whatever I do and praises my success almost daily. I'm not mad at her, I just think she hadn't seen me in months and was surprised at how much I have lost.


I just wanted to share my first negative comment. Y'all have a nice day, now.



5ft HW 244 SW      

on 3/27/15 12:41 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

Yea....jealousy & sabatoge - good for you spotting that poison right off the bat.

Beth Of Fletchair
on 3/27/15 12:51 am

It's a good rule of thumb to tell anyone who offers any criticism that is "said with love" to go to jump in the lake! 

on 3/27/15 1:12 am
VSG on 01/26/15

That is why I am so thankful we have such support on OH. We all understand each other going through this VSG/WL Journey. :-) Kay

5'7" HW 256 (1/6/2014) SW 236.2 (VSG: 1/26/2015) CW 165.5 (01/10/2016) Total Weight Lost 90.5
Pre-Op: -19.8; Month 1: -19; Month 2: -12.7; Month 3: -9.9; Month 4: -7.2; Month 5: -6.4; Month 6: -2.8; Month 7: -3.7; Month 8: -4.2; Month 9: -0.6; Month 10: -2.1; Month 11: -0 Month 12: -2.1

GOALS: BMI Normal = 159 (6.5 to go); 100 LBs Lost = 156 (9.5 to go); FINAL GOAL: 139?? (26.5 to go)

on 3/27/15 1:26 am
VSG on 10/15/14

I had a comment made from my dad that threw me for a loop.

Here is my history:

I personally have been on the weight roller coaster. Loosing, gaining, loosing. Two years ago I started seeing s homeopathic dr and was put on a number of different eating plans like a blood type diet, cleanse, etc. I lost 50 lbs but then my dr moved to another city and her replacement and I did not see eye to eye. During this process I did not learn long term eating habits and unfortunately fell back into my old ways and regained all back and then some. 

With thy that said, my dad asked me if I purposefully regained all the weight so that I can have surgery. This was 100% not valid as I did not have control over my food and was binge and stress eating, 


understanding that the surgery is a tool, and that it does not fix your brain. Through counseling and determination to succeed with this journey I have made life changing choices and am committed to this new lifestyle. 

I have always ways been self conscious but gaining confidence as each day passes.


VSG with DR. Sharp on 10-15-2014

Age 43 Height 5' 10" HW 306 SW 280 CW 185

GW 195


T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/27/15 1:35 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Wow, she said you look like you're on crack & your friends don't love you. You were still able to keep your chin up & be pleasant. Good for you! She's just not used to seeing you smaller & maybe she's a little jealous. Good thing you were able to call her out on her negativity without becoming negative yourself. Nothing like pointing out other people's bs, without having to be dragged down into the bs yourself.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 3/27/15 2:38 am - NYC, NY
VSG on 10/08/14

I can only imagine how she will respond after I lose another 60 pounds. She's gonna definitely not like me. 


5ft HW 244 SW      

on 3/27/15 6:33 am
VSG on 01/26/15

That will be HER loss! :-) Kay

5'7" HW 256 (1/6/2014) SW 236.2 (VSG: 1/26/2015) CW 165.5 (01/10/2016) Total Weight Lost 90.5
Pre-Op: -19.8; Month 1: -19; Month 2: -12.7; Month 3: -9.9; Month 4: -7.2; Month 5: -6.4; Month 6: -2.8; Month 7: -3.7; Month 8: -4.2; Month 9: -0.6; Month 10: -2.1; Month 11: -0 Month 12: -2.1

GOALS: BMI Normal = 159 (6.5 to go); 100 LBs Lost = 156 (9.5 to go); FINAL GOAL: 139?? (26.5 to go)

on 3/27/15 2:46 am - ME

There may be some jealousy going on, and it sounds like she was way too blunt.  I do remember, though, reading that when the weight first comes off, places like the face, fat is lost more quickly and may look gaunt - I know I did, which made me look like I'd lost quite a bit more than I had.  Same thing happened with my butt too!  :)  However, eventually, the fat re-distributed itself and I didn't look gaunt anymore and finally had some padding back on my butt!

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
on 3/27/15 2:51 am - NYC, NY
VSG on 10/08/14

Do you mean to tell me I'm gonna get a butt!!!! That would be fantastic!!! My mom took me shopping and commented that she doesn't know what kind of butt I've got (it is almost a pancake now). Especially compared to the women in my family who are bootylicious.


5ft HW 244 SW      

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