Day 3 post op
I am very sore. My head hurts and boy oh boy, those gas pains really stink. I am struggling to get my fluids in. I have been sipping on water since 0800 this morning. I just feel blah. I am trying to stay up moving some but I feel really weak. I thought I was well prepared for what to expect but at this point it doesn't feel like it. I am wondering if I try to sip on something other than water if that will help. They gave me apple juice in the hospital and I really liked it but I am concerned about the sugar content in the apple juice. Any suggestions?
on 3/26/15 5:08 am
Nothing can quite prepare you for the immediate post-surgery days and weeks. The good news: You will get through it; better days are coming. The bad news: You had major surgery and you will need time to recover from it. You will have times that you wonder if you made the right decision (you have).
You can drink any non-carbonated, non-caffeinated, sugar-free liquids, warm and cold. Try herbal teas, Crystal Lite, clear meat or vegetable broths. Mix it up as much as you can, so you don't get completely tired of anything.
Keep sipping. For now, liquids are your new best friend.
psychoticparrot (2 months post-op)

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
I had my surgery on a Thursday and I felt crappier and crappier until about Sunday afternoon. I was so weak and just getting more an more drained. By Sunday my mother fed me a protein shake -- I was supposed to be on clear liquids, but was just fading. I checked with the nutritionist on Monday and she said this was fine.
Until you can start getting in some calories you will be drained. I wouldn't be too worried about a little sugar this early out. But maybe call your doc and see if they will let you have a protein shake.