Surgery went well, pain is crazy bad though....
Hey there. Just a quick update :) My surgery went well. I'm in a lot of pain though. They have me on morphine and I can push the button every 6 minutes if needed. Which I am!!! I'm really surprised by the pain. I did not think it would be so bad. I'm very nauseous too. Nothing to drin****il tomorrow after I do some test to make sure all is good. I have slept the day away but the nurses wake me up every hour (the reason I'm up now at 4 am. I'm glad this is over and that I'm on the losing bench once again :)
Joanna, the first day was miserable for me too. I just slept through most of it. Make use of any meds they can offer if you need them. I was having anti-nausea, anti-acid, and painkiller shots in my IV regularly and they really helped. The second day was only slightly better... I had pain and foamies trying to suck on ice chips, and the Dr. said that I was likely just swollen shut and that it was normal and would dissipate. By the morning of release I was able to sip tiny sips of water and handle the ice chips at a very slow pace. I really started feeling better day 3. I found that VitaminWater Zero is my saving grace. I was able to sip three 20oz bottles yesterday. I also found the New Whey protein tubes (42 g. protein) that my surgeon approved and have been mixing half of a tube in with VitaminWater. I woke up this morning, day 4, and feel human again. The pain is just a dull ache and I think getting some protein and fluids has made it easier.
I am sorry that you are in so much pain. I just want to reassure you that it really will get better every day. Congrats on your surgery and hope you feel much much better daily!

Lianna lapband 2005, removed 2014. VSG 3/9/15