I did it! Random post op questions...

on 3/8/15 7:31 am

I am day 4 post op...and that is so hard to believe.  It's still pretty surreal.  I feel really lucky--so far, the whole thing has been almost a non-event.  Little to no pain, really, and no trouble sleeping, etc.  I basically feel like I've done 1000 situps, and all I want is water.  Other than that, I feel normal.  3 to 4 sips, and my stomach says, "um...stop please."  So that's new.  :) 

But I do have some random questions... You guys are so patient, and I'm so grateful to have your wisdom!

1. Last night, I started having really gassy diarrhea.  (TMI, I know...) Given that it's so hard to get fluids in to begin with, this is a little concerning.  Anyone else have this as a normal post-op issue?  I wonder if it's my antibiotics... I'll call the dr tomorrow if it persists, but I was just curious.

2. Also last night, my stomach started making really...and I mean REALLY...loud noises.  Whether it's empty or full of clear liquid, it sounds like a large machine.  Does this go away??? What's going on with that?  :)

3. I'm supposed to start full liquids today, so I made a protein shake and mixed in a daily vitamin capsule.  Now that I've started sipping that, I find myself obsessed with the idea of chewing something.  I'm not hungry.  At ALL.  But there are ingredients for salad in my fridge, and I just want to chew.  I haven't chewed anything in 5 days, and I think my brain is revolting.  Is this what you all refer to as 'head hunger?'  I don't think I could swallow food if I tried...but the idea of chewing on a little rotisserie chicken and throwing it away sounds divine.  What in the world????  lol

4. Finally, I weighed myself last night.  After no food for 5 days, surgery, and nothing but clear liquids...I'm 3 lbs heavier than when I went to the hospital.  Um... huh?  Is that normal?  Because wow, that was frustrating!  :)

Basically, I guess I'm like every new post-op patient.  I just want someone to read this and say, "Yup. Me too. You're fine."  Solidarity would just feel really good at this point.

This site is a God send.  I'm so glad to be on the other side of this, and I'm just ready to start figuring out the next few months of my life, so I can see the scale moving and start savoring the victories!  Thanks, friends!


  SW: 212  CW: 200  GW: 145   Getting there...one step at a time!

  (VSG surgery on 3/4/15 by Dr. Ariel Ortiz)

on 3/8/15 8:00 am - WI

Diarrhea is quite normal early out from surgery.  Liquid in...liquid out.  You are not eating solid food, so you won't have a solid poop.  It might also be a very unusual color for a while.

I am almost 5 years out and my stomach still makes a lot of noise.  Don't mistake this for hunger.  It's NOT!  Part of your stomach has been cut away.  It stands to reason that it is going to "curse" you for awhile.  With some people the noise lessens with time.  With me it gets worse if I eat processed carbs or sugar alcohols.

Chewing food and spitting it out is a dangerous game.  That's how eating disorders start.  There will be a time when you can eat and, believe me, you will be chewing to your heart's content to get food to the proper consistency to swallow.  Follow the program your surgeon gave you and DON'T try to pave your own way this early.  You likely are experiencing head hunger.  Try to drink more when you feel like that.  Finding things to occupy your mind helps too.

A lot of people gain weight right after surgery.  It's totally normal.  You are pumped full of gas and IV fluids.  Stay off the scale if it bothers you.  Just keep working your program.  I PROMISE you WILL lose weight.

If you have other concerns this site has a search function.  Look for the little magnifying glass on the bar at the top of the page.  Click it and a search bar will appear.  You can type any question you want an will get hundreds of posts on the subject.  I encourage you to do a lot of reading on this site.  There is a wealth of information to guide you on your journey.  All of the questions you have asked are probably asked weekly, if not daily.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 3/8/15 8:06 am

Many thanks!  The whole 'chewing and spitting out' thing seemed pretty silly, so no worries on doing that.  I was just overwhelmed by how much I wanted to chew something, even though I knew I wouldn't even be able to swallow it (and didn't even want to try)!  So bizarre!

So far so good on staying on my dr's plan... It's taking some effort to get all my fluid in, but I'm making it.  Adding protein today has been an interesting endeavor... just harder to swallow it all.  I finally understand what you all mean about it being a full time job! Part of me just wishes I could keep drinking broth and water forever, but THAT's not gonna work.  :)

THANK you for the search info.  I'd completely missed that.  I appreciate the help...


  SW: 212  CW: 200  GW: 145   Getting there...one step at a time!

  (VSG surgery on 3/4/15 by Dr. Ariel Ortiz)

on 3/8/15 8:01 am

yes wanting to chew is head hunger. Head hunger is when you eat to enjoy not because it time to eat or your  eating just because.

As far as stomach noises Im 8 mos post op and mine is always loud lol. Sometimes when Im in public people have turned around and looked at me so O no its laud.



on 3/8/15 8:10 am

Oh my goodness, Jenn... the loud stomach!  I'm in a classroom listening to lectures or taking exams half the time.  I can just see my stomach starting to sing in a quiet room full of people.  THIS should be interesting... AAAAH, well!  It's funny, because it didn't make a sound the first 3 days.  I guess it just wasn't ready to wake up yet.  When it did, it was with a vengeance!  I will have to pay attention to whether different foods and/or chemicals affect it in different ways.  Crazy journey...


  SW: 212  CW: 200  GW: 145   Getting there...one step at a time!

  (VSG surgery on 3/4/15 by Dr. Ariel Ortiz)

on 3/8/15 8:37 am - NYC, NY
VSG on 10/08/14

Yup, Me too. you're fine.

1. If you only put in liquid, then your put out liquid. I had diarrhea for a week or 2 after surgery. Have no fear.

2. My stomach still make noises and I'm 5 months out. Now I kinda like the noises and feeling the gurgles when it happens. Lets me know that its doing its job. I giggle on the inside a lot. (I'm a sick nurse)

3. The mind loves to play tricks on us. Just hold out and pretty soon you'll be chewing again.

4. While in the hospital they pour bags and bags of fluid into you. The body says thank you, thin****ep this for a while. It will let go soon, then you'll be thinking 




Enjoy the experiences and you look back and laugh about it and be so proud of you.


5ft HW 244 SW      

on 3/8/15 8:40 am

BLESS YOU.  :) :) :)


  SW: 212  CW: 200  GW: 145   Getting there...one step at a time!

  (VSG surgery on 3/4/15 by Dr. Ariel Ortiz)

Gwen M.
on 3/8/15 9:58 am
VSG on 03/13/14

1. I assume you're on a liquid diet right now and "liquids in, liquids out."  Work on getting your fluids in and things should firm up once you're getting solid foods.  

2. Totally normal.  Our stomachs are noisier post-op.  

3. You might try ice or sugar free popsicles!  

4. Totally normal and from the fluids you get pumped full of in surgery.  I promised myself not to weigh for 2 weeks post-op because i knew this was a possibility.  :P  I made it a week!

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 3/8/15 11:02 pm

Yes to all of that and I would eat ice chips... still do 

on 3/9/15 1:11 am, edited 3/9/15 1:17 am
VSG on 12/04/14

Congratulations! Continue to drink your water and make sure you take small sips 2-3 minutes apart. Sounds like you had a very good experience just like me. I had no pain or gas. I also felt like I wanted something to chew, but remember you just had major surgery and your stomach needs time to heal. DO NOT try and eat food this early out. Keep to your plan of liquids. The time will pass and you'll soon be on soft foods. You're a light weight like me, I started off at 210 and I'm now 3 months out and have lost 50 lbs. Its going to come off a little slower, don't compare weight loss to others . The only thing I would share is stay on your plan, drink all your water, don't lift anything too heavy and walk. It does get better when you can actually start eating food. Of yes, my stomach still makes funny noices!




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