Vet checking in

Maureen K.
on 3/10/15 8:40 am

Hi There - wow seems like a life time ago I try and check in at least once a year just to say hi and let newbies know I'm still going strong 

I had my sleeve 6.5 years ago - weighed in at 236 in 5'6 i reached below my goal at 1 year at which time I weighed 135 I currently weigh 140 I am 53 years old.

i can definitely eat a lot more and have to watch that I don't over eat and stretch my stomach the tool still works but I'm still always afraid im going to stretch it back out but so far so good - any questions ask I'll help if I can 



SW - 223  CW- 130 GW- 140  Start Sz 18 Current Sz 4 Ht. 5'6"
 BA- LBL/TT 11/3/09


on 3/10/15 10:07 am

Thanks for checking in, Mo! I love hearing from vets!! I will pay it back when I'm there!!

Height: 5'4".    VSG 2/23/15

HW: 257--SW: 237--CW: 207  

diane S.
on 3/10/15 10:11 am

hey cool. my vsg was 11-17-08.  I too am at my goal weight after 5 + years. It can be done.    diane

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on 3/10/15 2:00 pm

I'm almost 5 years out and this is the first I've been on in a long time. I need to check in more to encourage and to be encouraged. I got to goal pretty quickly but if I don'****ch things closely my weight will creep back up. Usually after a few Hershey kisses,etc. When I eat the right things (protein first) I feel full faster and know my sleeve is still working. My advice would be to really commit to a lifetime of watching what goes in your mouth. I relaxed and a few bad habits came back and now I'm needing to lose about 15 lbs. not fun!!  Have a great evening!

SW/CW/GW   224/140/135
5'2"  no pre-op diet
on 3/10/15 11:44 pm - ME

Mo, thanks to you for posting, and to the other long timers for chiming in.  I guess you could say I'm a vet at 3 1/2 years out, but not as far as you are.  It just reaffirms to me what I've known all along.  This is a lifelong process.  I will never be miraculously cured, but, if I work my plan every day, I can continue to live a much better and healthier life.  I got complacent for a few months this past year, and only partially followed my plan, so I gained several pounds back.  I am, thankfully, back on track and am losing the re-gained weight.  Hearing from others here, and on the maintenance discussion group, that we can have long term success, by doing the work daily, gives me continued hope for the future.  Thanks!   Mary

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
on 3/11/15 12:33 am
VSG on 12/04/14

Thank you so much for this post Maureen! I'm only 14 weeks post-op and I'm just now loving my new sleeve. I do have a question for you, how many carbs are keeping to daily? What are your problem foods? I love reading success stories, thanks again for giving us positive feed back. Christine



Maureen K.
on 3/11/15 6:25 am

Hi Christine - my problem foods are dense meats chicken steak etc I eat a lot of fish now I don't count carbs or calories - I have to watch hips and sweets I can eat so much of those - for 5 years I weighed daily I'm finally good now at only weight twice a week I think the key is moderation which the sleeve helps me so much couldn't do it without it and nipping it in the butt when you see the scale creep up so it doesn't get out of hand - 

it has definitely been the best thing I have ever done for myself I'm sure you are going to rock it best wishes on your journey 




SW - 223  CW- 130 GW- 140  Start Sz 18 Current Sz 4 Ht. 5'6"
 BA- LBL/TT 11/3/09


on 3/11/15 11:30 am
VSG on 12/04/14

Thank you Maureen. I wish you continue success. I agree, its been the best thing I did for myself too. Christine



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