Sugars are up...

on 3/3/15 12:23 am

So I'm scheduled to go for my last appointment tomorrow to see the anethesiologist and the nurse. I had all my preop testing done last week but got a call this am from my GP and said I needed to go in for another test this am so they can ahe the results for tomorrow. My sugars were up to 12. Never had high sugar levels in my life. Has this happened to anyone before and did it affect whether you could go through the surgery?


on 3/3/15 1:52 am
VSG on 01/19/15
Illness can effect blood sugar, as can stress. And stress is very definitely happening for you at the moment.
Sarah V.
on 3/3/15 2:30 am

What was 12? Your Hemoglobin A1C?  If that's the case, that's very high and it means you've been walking around with average blood sugars of 345 or more.

Whether or not you will be able to proceed with surgery will be up to your doctor but if you do in fact have Type II diabetes now, they may want to get that under control first because it can affect your healing after surgery.

Do that follow up with your GP. I would bet they will want to do a glucose tolerance test.

Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014


on 3/3/15 2:52 am
RNY on 02/19/15

My surgeon wouldn't touch me until I could demonstrate at least a two week streak of fasting BS below 150. An a1c of 12 is really high! I hope they are able to help you get it down ASAP.

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 3/3/15 3:33 am

I hope so too. Been crying all afternoon...this could have been so easy to prevent if I just ate better and not gained weight!!  Kicking myself now!

on 3/3/15 4:00 am
RNY on 02/19/15

Crying and kicking yourself are not going to help solve the problem :) The very best thing you can do is plot out your course of action. Even if you haven't been to see your PCP yet, surely you can call their office and ask what you can start doing from now until your appt to start controlling the BS? Do you have a testing kit? If not, you can get them at pretty much any drugstore OTC and they're easy to use. 

You may find also if they put you on meds to bring it down, it will be a lot easier to eat properly. For me, if I skipped my metformin I immediately saw an upswing in ravenous, sugar-craving hunger. It was a choice between taking the diabetes meds and being nauseous, or not taking them, gaining weight, eating all kinds of bad things and pushing myself too much. I generally chose the nausea. And I am very happy to tell you that I was sent home off all diabetes meds; I just have to check a couple times a day until my PCP declares me stable and officially in remission. I will go get the ol' A1C checked in a couple months to confirm it's gone down. 

The reason I say pushing myself is because I had years and years of low BS, then it suddenly went up 35 points and I was diagnosed diabetic. What I didn't understand fully was that I went through more than 20 years of being insulin resistant/pre-diabetic (have had Acanthosis nigricans since at least age 10--used to get teased for having a "dirty neck") and that means my pancreas was working really hard to keep the BS down. So when it finally shows elevated, whoops there's your pancreas really tiring out. 

I view the surgery as a way to help reset the body, get my stable weight to something much more manageable, and let my poor pancreas rest. The fact that I may also become a connoisseur of cute clothes is a minor but hopefully fun side effect :) 

I wish you luck. There's a lot of very smart people here to help support you. 

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/3/15 4:22 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Definitely get that blood sugar in check! I've noticed that having diabetes whenever I got hurt it would take longer to heal than b4 I had this disease. It could be age too since I'm not as young as I used to be.

You want to be as healthy as possible b4 you get this surgery & a A1C of 12 is very high. I can understand the pity party, but get over it asap & get your sugars down. White knuckle that carb withdrawal!, & get your meds & change your lifestyle. There's a guy on my job that didn't get his health together & now he's on dialysis., it was related to his uncontrolled diabetes. Get it together, you can do this! Good Luck!

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 3/3/15 10:08 am

Thanks for all the advice. I was only told this wonderful news this morning and am going to my appointment tomorrow am so I guess I will find out what to do. I'm not sure what the number 12 is. I know my mother is diabetic and if she has a reading of 12, her dr isny that concerned but she is a lot older than me. Thanks for all your input. And the kicking a crying only lasted a short time!! :)

on 3/4/15 6:11 pm

Diagnosed yesterday with diabetes.  So lots to do today. Still quite shocked that this has happened but taking responsibilty and dealing with it.  Going to my family physician today, and he will help me with my next steps. The bariatric clinic have told me that they will not do my surgery until my sugars are stable so I'm off for a bit. Very disappointed but will deal with it now. 

Thanks for all your adv

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