I win gallbladder surgery!
I am 13 months out. I hit my goal right at the one year mark. I was doing great until 3 weeks ago. I started feeling nauseous after every meal. Then 2 weeks ago, I went to the ER because I was having severe pain and vomiting blood (small amt. but after vsg - even a year later, it freaked me the heck out) - they found nothing. A week later, another attack. A few days later, another one. The first two lasted 4-5 hours. The third only about 30 minutes. I called surgeon - I was due for my 1 year appt anyway. They scheduled a HIDA and an ultrasound. That was yesterday. HIDA was normal, but ultrasound showed stones. So, he wants to take out my gallbladder. IN SEVEN WEEKS. I want to cry having to wait that long - but I like this doctor and I don't really want to use anyone else.
They tell me to minimize attacks not to eat fatty foods (I really don't anyway) - so I"m feeling a little panicked and scared to eat. It's not the worst pain I've ever been in (that was a trimal ankle fracture) but I'd rather have a baby than be in that pain again. It's awful.
So... I don't remember them telling me this was a side effect of rapid weight loss, but apparently it is. Gah.
/end whine
on 2/26/15 8:39 am
So sorry about your gall bladder troubles. I've read and heard from my doctor's staff that gall bladder trouble during fast weight loss is more common than we would like. Because you're using up your body's reserves of fat, even though you are probably eating lean things, it puts a lot of stress on the gall bladder, and sometimes, it's just too much.
I'm holding my breath about my own gall bladder. I've had minor trouble with it in the past. The sleeve just might put it over the edge.
Keep us posted as to how you're doing.

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
on 2/26/15 8:42 am
Owwwwwwwwwwww. I had my gallbladder out years before my WLS and the constant pain SUCKED.
Can you find a list of "safe" foods that wouldn't upset your gallbladder, and stick to them? Lean lunchmeat, yogurt, seafood? Maybe having a plan of attack will help, I know it often does for me.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!