I have a cold and I cannot reschedule my surgery!
Hey everyone I am having surgery in Mexico this saturday. I am a mother of 2 and had to find the perfect schedule to have this procedure done, and it took about 7 months before I fully committed. I am so upset because after 2 weeks of fighting of everyone who had a cold and escaping the cold even from my own children, this lady at walmart sneezes straight on me! I was a little mad because that is rude but now I'm even more mad because I woke up with an itchy throat and mildly congested! It feels like a dry cough, really dry and I am not dripping any mucous. Is there any way I can still have surgery? I cannot afford to reschedule :(. What can I take? I need to have this surgery but I am also afraid of complications. Please any advice will help, did any of you have surgery while having a mild cold? Thank you.
Not me, but I have seen several posts here on the same topic and the general rule seems to be they will still do your surgery unless you have a fever. You may want to check with your coordinator though.
The best thing for a cold is fluids and rest, so do your best with that in the meantime.
I had a cold or a cough or both (can't recall exactly) before surgery and also could not reschedule and my surgeon said it would be fine - they gave me a dose or IV antibiotics during surgery and I woke up sleeved and without a cold...magic cure! Ask your surgery coordinator what they recommend you to do especially any meds that you might want to take you want to clear that with them so close to surgery.
I have had good luck using a product called ColdCalm (Bioron) this winter. Also Oscillo****inum helps get rid of viruses in my system really well. Look for them i the supplements department or online. But do it fast, you have to take them the first day or two to get excellent results. Tho the ColdCalm will dry up my sniffles and stop a cough anywhere in the process.
As for surgery while sick, maybe your guy will be accommodating as Julia's. Just be sure they know you have a cold.
on 2/26/15 4:17 am
The final decision to perform surgery or not is made by the doctor. Call the doctor ASAP, both to get more information on what you can/should take, as well as to give them some advance notice. (Couldn't hurt!)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
If you haven't had any real symptoms settle in and are still just feeling "ICK", swallow a clove of garlic or take a garlic pill ASAP. Garlic has antibiotic and anti-viral qualities and has been chasing away colds for me for a decade.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I had a cold and congestion when I had my surgery. They did a chest xray, gave me some breathing treatments, and took me to OR. You'll be fine. Good luck!