I'm. So. Cold.

on 2/19/15 11:15 am
VSG on 07/24/14

I knew something was up when the first few days after surgery, in the middle of August, I was chilly. I had my slanket (the superior blanket with sleeves, IMO) on and a quilt and my cats, and I was quite comfortable. I wanted the AC set at 74, which didn't go over well with my husband.

It was nice during the summer, nice that I wasn't so sweaty all the time. But OMG, I am downright miserable now. It's 8°F outside and dropping. Inside, we have the thermostat at 68 and our house is thankfully well insulated. Still, I am bundled up with long underwear, wool socks, slippers, a wool hat, slanket, blankets, sweaters, more layers. It's getting ridiculous. But I just feel like I'm chilled down to my very bones, and nothing I do helps me warm up. 

I don't buy the loss of padding explanation. For me, the change from hot to cold was overnight, before the padding had a chance to melt away. I am pretty sure it's the lower caloric intake and my body is reacting by turning down the thermostat. However, whatever the reason, I am pretty cold right now. Suggestions for coping are welcome. 


32F 5'8" High weight: 432 | Consult weight: 396 | Surgery weight: 335 | Current weight: 170

on 2/19/15 11:22 am
VSG on 01/22/15

I'm the same way!!   I just can't get warm.  Walked around the house all day with a sweater and sweatshirt on.  Turned the heat up a little but I just can't warm up.   

on 2/19/15 11:39 am
VSG on 12/09/14

I wear fleece pants, fleece pajama shirt, fleece robe, three pairs of socks, hat and sit right in front of my fireplace.  Sometimes I say "my feet are so cold I wish I can stick my feet I to the fire!"  I can totally relate. Since I lost the weight my coat I wore everyday got too big.  So I wear a wool coat under it.  Yes, I wear two full length coats!  My coworkers think it is hilarious.  It has to be calories.  The only time I get warm is when I'm doing strenuous work (in my two coats or three layers of fleece).

Start weight:  252 pounds 

High weight:  268 pounds


on 2/19/15 12:21 pm - Davison, MI

I agree on the lost of padding not being the reason.  Yes I did start freezing with the surgery and first fast lost. Enjoy it now as I am two years out and at goal, I am back to being to hot and fighting the DH who wants the temp set at 74.


BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 2/19/15 12:41 pm

My hubby laughed when I told him I haven't sweated since my surgery, June 25, but it's true! I went from keeping the thermostat set at 65 in summer and winter to 70 but even that feels so cold! Before surgery I had never worn sweaters, too hot and itchy. Now they are a daily piece of my wardrobe. Socks with house slippers, sweatshirts, fleece robe, and blanket are my home gear. I do believe it is the low cal way we eat because I sometimes feel warmer after dinner, which is my largest meal of the day.


on 2/19/15 1:55 pm
VSG on 12/08/14

I'm only 10 weeks post-op and I'm cold all the time! But honestly, I love it. ;)It's such a refreshing change from being hot and sweaty all the time! Ha, ha. 

Beth Of Fletchair
on 2/19/15 8:50 pm

I went out and bought a Dyson heater which I sit next to my desk and one to point at my bed at night.  I keep the house set at 70 degrees and that's perfect for the dogs but I have turned into a 76!

on 2/19/15 10:03 pm
VSG on 01/26/15

I am sorry for the OP's misery. However, I am delighted at this turn for me. The last few years I have been miserably hot all the time....always carrying a hand fan. It has been miserable. I thought it was due to menopausal changes to my body, although that should have been over by now. None of my doctor's could explain it. I thought this would be true for the rest of my life. My 4-year old granddaughter wouldn't want to cuddle up to me very long because she would say I was too hot and sweaty. :-( So I am very excited at this turn of events. I have not felt that same heat since my surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago. I can now sleep with blankets on, and dress for Winter, instead of dressing for Summer in Winter. :-)

5'7" HW 256 (1/6/2014) SW 236.2 (VSG: 1/26/2015) CW 165.5 (01/10/2016) Total Weight Lost 90.5
Pre-Op: -19.8; Month 1: -19; Month 2: -12.7; Month 3: -9.9; Month 4: -7.2; Month 5: -6.4; Month 6: -2.8; Month 7: -3.7; Month 8: -4.2; Month 9: -0.6; Month 10: -2.1; Month 11: -0 Month 12: -2.1

GOALS: BMI Normal = 159 (6.5 to go); 100 LBs Lost = 156 (9.5 to go); FINAL GOAL: 139?? (26.5 to go)

on 2/19/15 10:09 pm - ME

No one told me ahead of time to expect to be so cold!  I found out later that it is very common and there's a scientific reason for it - something to do with the body's energy being used to burn fat.  Cisco help here please - you have all of this info! :)  I was sleeved in August, and gained 13 pounds of fluid from the surgery, so there was no way being cold was a padding issue!  It was in the 80's the day I came home from the hospital, and we didn't have the AC on.  I was on the recliner, wrapped up in blankets and still freezing!  To this day, I have to wear socks to bed, even in the summer.  I was a t-shirt and undies gal for pj's, year round.  Now I wear pj pants, usually flannel or fleece in the winter; socks and a long sleeved t-shirt, sometimes with a flannel pj top over it, and am under heavy blankets.  Sometimes, in the summer, it's so cold in our office, that when I get in my car, even on the hottest days, I ride with the windows up and no AC for the 1st 10-15 minutes of the ride home.  While I don't like being frozen, I'll take this over being hot and sweaty, even in the winter!

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
on 2/19/15 10:16 pm

I have been so cold since my VSG in August. i thought it was because I was still on my BP meds but I have since been on half the medication I used to be on and I am still freezing.  We have a wood burning stove and I keep it lit whenever I am home. My husband and kids are sweating and can't believe how cold my hands are etc.  Looking forward to some sunshine soon!


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