I had a dream

on 2/18/15 1:13 pm
VSG on 01/05/15 with

That I was eating a sandwich. I can't remember what kind of sandwich, all I remember it bread, just eating bread! Lately I've been wanting cereal too. 

I got down to 204, I've been really good, but two days ago I crumbled and had a small bag of Funyuns and a twix. I immediately gained 2 lbs and haven't lost them since. I feel like I really let myself down, but was mostly surprised by how Funyuns just dissolve and don't fill any space at all. 

Im just really disappointed that my brain or body still wants this stuff and that I'm sabotaging myself so close to onederland.

on 2/18/15 2:03 pm
VSG on 01/21/15

When I am craving crazy things I just tell myself that if I were to eat what I was craving it wouldn't taste that good. I'm 5 weeks post op and nothing tastes good to me. Lol Your brain is still on one wavelength and your body is on another. You are human and you are going to slip up! As long as your recognize the slip up and move on then you will continue to be successful. You will be in onderland in no time!! :) 

on 2/18/15 2:39 pm
VSG on 01/05/15 with

Thx Melanie. Just wish I was craving free.

on 2/18/15 10:13 pm - Selma(San Antonio), TX
VSG on 04/22/14

Don't we all.

Surgery Date 04-22-14 HW 2011 388(lost 60lbs on WW, regained 40) Surgery Consult Weight 1/10/14 - 367 SW 357 - CW 9/15 210.

Stalls are your body's way of telling you not to get too cocky.

5K - 1st 59:00(9/14) PR 33:45(9/15)

10K - 1:14(10/15) 1/2 - 1st 3/20/16

on 2/18/15 10:13 pm - LA
VSG on 04/24/13

Losing the weight is only going to get harder.  You are in your honeymoon phase right now because it will never be as easy to lose the weight as it is right now.  Take advantage of this opportunity. I know you are disappointed in yourself, remember this feeling and use it so that you don't make the same mistake again.  I really want you to be successful and saying you ate Funyuns and a twix this early out raises reg flags for future success.  wls is a tool and it fixes your stomach but not your brain.  The cravings, for most, don't go away.  You just have to learn  to substitute new behaviors for the old. Get back on your plan...you can do this!

"Whether you believe you can or you can't ....you are right! " by Henry Ford

on 2/19/15 11:44 am
VSG on 01/05/15 with

I know right! It's hard to believe that an obese person with an eating disorder would succumb to a moment of weakness and eat something they shouldn't after a couple of months of eating according to plan! All joking aside I am back down today to 204 again, I'm back on plan and endeavoring to remember the feeling of disappointment I felt after that moment. 

There is a bit of a dichotomy about this surgery, with some people saying "I had this surgery because I can eat whatever I want, just in much smaller amounts", and the people who say "you have to completely change your eating habits forever for this surgery to succeed". Sometimes I see the same person say both things in different posts. 

I am trying very much to focus on the protein, and to stay with the guide until maintenance time, but every once in a while I really want a treat. As ive said before I don't usually crave chocolate, but i'd been craving chocolate for two weeks before I ate that twix, and I haven't craved it since. 

I think for me it's going to be about following the guide 95% of the time and occasionally treating myself. My tastes are definitely changing though, and I'm hoping that at some point I won't enjoy the bad things very much anymore. I'm just going to try to make it to maintenance phase before I have any more detours.

on 2/19/15 12:16 pm - Davison, MI

The reason you may see "with some people saying "I had this surgery because I can eat whatever I want, just in much smaller amounts", and the people who say "you have to completely change your eating habits forever for this surgery to succeed". Sometimes I see the same person say both things in different posts."  is because both statements are TRUE.  I had the band for four years and have been sleeved for two.

With the band I couldn't eat anything but liquid or small bites until mush.  With the sleeve I CAN now eat some of anything.  BUT, if I do eat everything I did before and didn't make changes for life I wouldn't lose or be able to keep it off.  I found out with the band I can eat/drink lots of calories and never be full.  With the sleeve I could find myself eating wrong this and start gaining and I have.  You still have to deal with your head and eat a little of the right stuff to be full instead of the wrong stuff.

As far as your splurge, I personally couldn't and wouldn't at less than two months out.  I was just getting off mushie stuff at that point. Good luck and use this first 6/12 months wisely.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 2/19/15 3:08 pm

Hey, we had our stomach removed, not our taste buds.

Those little treats or in my case, rewards, are ok once in a great while, you still gotta live life. And those are a part of life.

Just not as big a part of life as they used to be. I don't think a bite or two of pie, or a small chocolate bar once a week or so will derail you.

Just be mindful, enjoy it for what it is and move on. I'm in control now, not the pie or the chocolate bar. JMHO!

I love my sleeve!


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