Don't think I can
I'm so sorry Marie that you felt you needed to cancel but you are the only one who knows what's best for you.
I am scheduled for surgery for this Monday. I have been incredible calm these last few days but I'm sure come Monday morning I will ******vous wreck. Sometimes I think to myself that if I did not wake up from the anesthesia I wouldn't know the difference. I know that sounds sick but I lost my daughter almost 5 years ago to suicide and I'm not really afraid to die anymore. I'm more worried about different complications that I will have to deal with. Does that make sense to any of you? I am going to do this! FOR ME! I want to be here for my remaining children and grandchildren and husband but what will be will be. I just know the only chance I have to be here for a longer amount of time is to finally get this weight off. I am putting everything in God's hands.