B - Syntrax chocolate shake with added coffee powder
L - 1/2 burger patty with mushrooms and onions and about 4 fries(oops, I know)
S - nuts
D - oven baked chicken fajitas with no tort and a spoon of light sour cream
HW: 283; SW: 269; pre-op: -12, M1: -16.2; M2: -10.6; M3: -13.3; M4: -8.2; M5: -8.9; M6: -8.5
B: Homemade iced coffee and babybel cheese
S: 5-6 cashews
L: Salmon and green beans
S: Think Thin bar
D: chicken with mushrooms
W: still working on it
V: darn it...forgot 2 days in a row
Consult weight 4/7/14: 381.5 SW 7/1/14: