It feels like my incision is stuck to my inside.
I have noticed that my large incision has been pretty sore and has had like a sunk in look pretty much since the day of surgery. The past couple days I notice that if I bend down or side to side it really dimples in like it is stuck to either an organ or muscle inside. I plan to call my doctor tomorrow but I just wanted to see if anyone has had a similar situation and can give me any info about what it was causing it. Thanks!
Mine just hurts when I roll over or bend down its like my skin is attached to something inside. There is also a slight hard lump between this one and an old scar from my previous scar from when I had my gallbladder out. I wonder if its some type of adhesion. I hope it dont have to be fixed with another surgery.
Mine looked like a chunk of my abdomen had been removed. It felt like it was stuck to the iinside until the deep stitch popped around 2-3 weeks post-op.
VSG by Nick Nicholson in 2013. Revised to DS 2/23/2023 by Chad Carlton.
I would still talk to your Dr but I too had the same thing..
It looked like I had 2 belly buttons was so in dented. . And did feel very sore.. but I'm almost 3 months out and my second belly button has been gone for almost 2 months....
Still ask your Dr about all concerns... but I'd say no problem...good luck speedy recovery! !! :-)
♡ Kelly