Hello all,
I made my first post last week and I was really moved by the support and kindness I received! Well, Here is my second one..... I am scheduled for surgery in 6 days !!! May 27th!! I actually went for my pre-op testing yesterday and they told me all the fun ways that general anesthesia can kill me!!!! lol... Anyhow, I am a little spooked now but I have come too far and I am going through with it. Here is my question.............
I am on a very powerful Anti-Arrhythmic medication called Tikosyn to keep me in a normal heart rhythm (I have A-Fib).... This drug has been great so far! I have not had one episode of Atrial Fibrillation since I started it. What I am wondering is, with the VSG surgery, do medications still get fully absorbed and are they still as effective as they are prior to WLS? I mentioned it to the pharmacist today and he said to ask my cardiologist. I left a message for the cardiologist and I am hoping I hear back from him today.
I figured I would ask some people that have had the sleeve if there have been any issues with medications and their effectiveness? I figure it would be more of a problem if it was the RNY but I am THIS close and I don't want to have them say I cant get surgery because of a medication I am on!! Hopefully I am being paranoid! I look forward to any replies. Thank you in advance for your time.
Because you'll likely be losing weight quickly for the first while you may need that and other medications changed/adjusted or even stopped. My hubby and I were both off our BP meds within weeks of our VSGs. I was off drugs for nerve pain (sciatica) immediately after mine. (How weird is that? Simply did't need it anymore)

Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180
Wow, that is encouraging!!!! Thank you for the reply. I hope to hear back from my cardio in the morning!!
SOME MEDS need stomach acid to change them for them to work right , slow release meds don't work well with vsg
talk to your cardiologist, if this med will not work an other might work better , and you might need monitoring during weight loss
I would think your surgeon knows about all the medication you are on already? If there were a problem, he should have told you that from the get-go. I require daily NSAIDS and the first question I asked my surgeon during the introductory session was whether or not that was a deal breaker. He said it would be with bypass but not with the sleeve. I'm sure there are many surgeons that advise against using NSAIDS with the sleeve, but my surgeon was fine with it. He takes the approach of how much worse off I would be without them vs. the unlikely risk of bleeding from them. Double check with your surgeon right away and make sure he knows you are on Tikosyn and that he is okay with you continuing it. Best of luck with your upcoming surgery!
I have congestive heart failure and had to have my cardiologist clear me for surgery. No problem - still continue with my regular heart medication.
Good luck on your surgery!! Don't sweat the anesthesia - one minute they're telling you to take a deep breath, and the next thing you know you're in the recovery room asking the nurse when they're going to get started. It's a good thing!
Awesome to hear!!! I just got word back from the Surgeons Assistant that it is no problem and we are a full go for Tuesday!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)