Quick Question..
Hey guys, I have a quick question.
In 2006 I was in an awful car accident and had to go through brain surgery, along with a bowel resection. Now, my question is, has anyone on here had a bowel resection and still got the surgery (VSG)? My GM is aware of my past surgeries and he's never mentioned it being a problem, and I'll speak with my surgeon about that when the time comes, but I kind of just wanted to know if anyone else has been in this situation? Honestly, I only just thought of this today and I should have asked my doc when I was there (pulled hamstring..figures) but it only just occurred to me. Logically, I wouldn't think that it would make a difference since the resection was on my small intestine but..I just don't know. I guess I'm starting to panic a little...
I wouldn't start panic mode necessarily. Just do a call in to your surgeon's nurse and ask him/her about it. You might find something through a google search too. I am NOT a doctor but I would think the stomach cutting with a VSG wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with a resectioned intestine. The only thing I can think of is if something that most people absorb through the small intestine part that was cut out of you and the stomach part that they are going to remove and so it is not able to absorb through either one of those parts because you wouldn't have either one after the VSG. Did that make sense? You might could research that. Such as...what is absorbed through the small intestine part you had resectioned that the stomach can absorb and so if that part of the stomach is taken then neither one can absorb it (B1, B12, Calcium, Protein, Iron, etc.).
Certainly discuss it with your surgeon, and if you have any surgical reports from the prior surgeries, that will give him a leg up on things before he gets inside of you. The most likely problem would be from adhesions from the earlier work, but this is a potential problem for anyone with prior abdominal surgery. The likely worst case would be if the adhesions are bad enough to inhibit the laproscopic procedure and the doc has to do it open (and there are usually words to that effect in the consent forms that you sign.)
1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)
Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin
That's another worry. I don't have many scars on my stomach, but the scar from the emergency resection is from the bottom of my breast bone to just a bit under my belly button. It's an old scar now and not nearly as wide or dark as it used to be, but they split me open so it's pretty deep. *sigh* Maybe, because it's exactly in the middle, it won't matter much? I can only hope.