support group tonight

Linda B.
on 12/17/13 3:25 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Both Mike & I attend our local support group once a month unless we are out of town. Tonight it was packed. Most people who come are going through Kaiser's options program. I have noticed through the past couple of years since Mike went through his classes, there NUTS and program directors keep changing the eating plans. From what I see, they are much more willing to have post-op people eating bread, starchy carbs, and foods that aren't really foods at all (margarine for example). Yet, with this program, they tell patients to expect only a 70% excess weight loss with a VSG. Those who have been through the Kaiser Fontana system who follow a more restrictive eating plan tend to have better results. Mike went through when they used outside doctors, I did not have that option. But, we followed his surgeon's plan, which is very similar to Dr. C's plan. So far, Mike has been maintaining his comfort zone on the scale for the past 18 months, and I've been in my zone for 6 months.

Is there a post-op eating plan that is perfect? Uh, no, but some are much more geared to success than others. Some people can eat sugar or starchy carbs and still get the weight off and maintain, some must restrict these items very diligently. So, what did we learn tonight? If something isn't working, try a change. If something is, keep at it.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 12/17/13 4:09 pm

We've all seen this exact same trend over the last several years......

Sadly this is becoming the norm......

The main problem comes when WL slows dramatically or stops....... than the person has two basic choices....... cut back or not...... and sadly to choose cutting back that far out is harder to do.

Lot's of these programs encourage adding cals the further out you get, when cutting back is what's needed.....

You and Mike are the examples your group should follow......


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 12/17/13 7:55 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

I'm not surprised by this at all! I went to my monthly support group meeting last night and an RNY patient that was 6 weeks out asked how many calories she should be having (they don't give us a calorie  number in the booklet... it's kind of like "just focus on protein and the calories work themselves out" - she said that she eating around 700 and getting 60 grams of protein in..... at 6 weeks! I was shocked... I'm thinking what in the world could she be eating at 6 weeks out for 700 calories and only getting 60 grams of protein in?

Immediately the PA in the office said, "That's way too few calories... you should be eating no less than 1200" - telling this to someone 6 WEEKS out! WTF! lol.... I looked at the PA and said, "uhhh, I'm 7 months out and I eat 700-800 calories per day!" She didn't really say anything to me... but it's a bit crazy to hear them tell someone that.... I mean, I was put on a 1500-1600 calorie diet BEFORE surgery for six months.... 1200 is really not THAT much less.... and I have 20% of a stomach for crying out loud!

It's not a surprise to me that I haven't really met anyone that has lost 100% excess weight and if they have, then kept it off for years in that office. Their eating guidelines are also in line with the mentality that "We just want you all to not GAIN weight during the holidays... we don't expect you to lose" - yikes!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 12/18/13 1:31 am, edited 12/18/13 1:32 am

Before I even had my VSG, my Kaiser Surgeon told me that if I only lost 75% of my excess weight he could revise me to a RNY ... no thank you!!!  Even if I struggled to get another 15 pounds off, it's not enough of a reason for me to get another WLS. 

This is in fact the reality for most WLS peeps.  My type of "success" is typical in the eyes of my program... either lose 100% & regain a bit or lose 75% and be good ... I guess. 

I think the main reason I want to be more successful (besides the obvious of losing 100% EW) is because I see it is doable from the successful VSGers on this board.

You & Mike are shining examples of this.  Thank you Linda, you both are awesome!!!





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