Is it normal...
It is normal at least for me. I was hungry during the liquid phase after surgery and thought I was nuts and it didnt make sense. Do not worry it goes away I want to say a few weeks after surgery I lost all the hunger I felt and I still barley ever feel hungry as for the weight loss stall just breathe it will come most of us go through a stall in the first month. I lost the majority of my weight in the first 2 weeks after surgery than the whole first month.
I am only a little over two months out and still learning myself. I have started trying to stay away from the scale everyday. It might help if you pick one day a week to get on the scale. Good luck it gets better :)
thanks for the helpful reply. do you think the "hunger" was mental? was it stomach growling hunger or the symptoms of hunger like headache and light headedness, etc? what do you think made it go away? do you think your body just got used to the reduced calorie diet or that being "forced' to practice portion control was what did it?
I think alot of it was mental and just getting used to my new sleeve. I think that it just got better when I got into eating solid foods. I am getting to know what size my meals should be and how much I can eat. I sometimes forget to eat, so I have to remind myself that its time to eat. I hear this is normal though.
My advice, keep weighing yourself but stop worrying about what it says. You are not in a stall. Your body is still healing and your cortisol levels are through the roof. All bets are off until you are back on full foods and exercising. If you are hitting your protein, water, and exercise goals and you stop losing weight, that is a stall. Until you are there, its all normal behavior.
Don't be frustrated, just stick to your plan and it will all work out. I promise!
Yeah but all bets are off right now because you are healing and you cannot in any way predict what your body is going to do. The farther out you get the more you will be able to do this and when you are 8 weeks post op and you hit a stall I can tell you what to do. Any sooner than that your hormones are all over the place, your body is healing, your cortisol levels are high. You may be retaining water due to healing, there are too many variables right now.
In a nutshell the first order of business when you are in a stall is to get your water in because 9 times out of 10 a "stall" is caused by water retention.
I had my surgery on Dec 3. I weighed myself on the morning of surgery, then weighed myself a week later on Dec 11,wednesday. I then have my follow up next wednesday, Dec 18. I will weigh myself that morning and then compare it what my scale says. I am not a fan of weighing myself every day. I can feel that I have lost weight and for now, that is good enough for me at this early stage. I am making all my nutrition and water goals. I am not hungry but do get gas pains once in a while. No head hunger. I shut that up before surgery! I plan on sending it packing If that little monster comes back! I am the boss!!!