protein question...

on 11/18/13 11:15 pm

Surgery is 12/17, once I'm done with my liquids and mushy foods what is my best option to get all of my protein?  I'm planning on doing at least 1 protein shake a day, which will be almost 1/2 of my daily.  Any other suggestions for getting it all in?

on 11/18/13 11:38 pm - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
This isn't the answer you want, but that depends on what your sleeve tolerates. Mine handles low fat dairy best, so I get a good deal of my protein that way - cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, most days a shake for part. I also eat eggs, veggie ground round (a vegetarian hamburger substitute), chicken if cooked in a sauce and fish.

Some people handle beef best (it makes me deathly ill) and can't handle chicken. Some become (generally temporarily) lactose intolerant. Some life on shellfish, especially shrimp, which I used to like and now have trouble swallowing at all.


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 11/19/13 12:29 am - PA

I have at least one Isopure no carb Protein Drink a day.  It is 20 ounces only 160 calories with 40 grams of protein. the drinks are sorta of expensive $4.00 from Vitamin store but it is more than half my daily protein allowance. They are a Gatorade type of drink so not as sweet as the powders.

If you want to do it with food Greek yogurt is the best, it has 18 grams of protein in a 100 calories serving , in the  Fage 0% you can flavor it with sugar free syrups used for coffee


good luck

 HW 268   SW219   CW 181.2 surgery date 10/31/2013

       :<span class=


on 11/19/13 12:31 am - FL
VSG on 01/09/13

I agree that you have to test things out.  I loved boiled shrimp and tuna when I was first able to eat solids again.  I also would do an egg with some cheese, a Boca burger with cheese (I could only eat about half for about 6 months after surgery), cottage cheese, etc.  Also, I made beanless chili and ground taco meat with cheese and salsa once I was a little farther out.  At a month or so out, I definitely had one to two protein shakes a day to get it all in.  I just couldn't eat enough to get in all my protein.

KittyKarin :-) Starting weight: 362 / Surgery weight: 353 / Current weight: 190 (03/27/2017)

on 11/19/13 12:45 am - Omaha, NE
VSG on 05/17/13

Kelly-Anne said it well. It's kind of hard to plan at this stage of the game, because you have to wait and see what your new belly likes.

In my case, my lactose intolerance got worse after surgery. Well, I used to be able to take lactaid pills and consume milk, cream, etc., but now they don't work on me. I can tolerate cheese and yogurt though. I don't really have any other intolerances, besides gluten, which was present before surgery. Well, there was the issue of all protein shakes upsetting my stomach for the first couple months after surgery, but that went away.

My main protein sources now, at 6 months out, are shrimp, swai (fish), scallops (yes, I love seafood), chicken breast (have to have a sauce with it), pork tenderloin, low fat ground turkey, Dannon Light and Fit greek yogurt, cheese, and the occasional protein bar (Quest). I have one protein shake a day (normally just one scoop, which=20 grams; I'll do 1.5 scoops if I'm short on protein). I am still learning how to balance my protein sources. I feel like if I eat only seafood all day, I fall a little short on my calories; if I eat only chicken/pork, then my calories get too high. So I try to have both seafood and some other meat every day. It's a lot of cooking.

Once I started solids, I tried to get to a place where I was consuming all of my protein from actual food, but this was very hard for me to do after surgery (and it still is - I feel like I'm force-feeding myself). So now I have a shake a day and try to reach at least 80 grams of protein daily.

Lindsay ~ 5'4" ~ HW (5/6/13): 280 ~ SW (5/17/13): 273 ~ CW: 140
Losses by month: pre-op: -8  M1: -18  M2: -12  M3: -13  M4: -9  M5: -10  M6: -12
  M7: -14  M8: -12  M9: -2  M10: -8  M11: -9  M12: -2  M13: -6  M14: -7


Gail D.
on 11/19/13 12:46 am

Eggs are a perfect food. Great protein and low calorie. And versatile. Have just an egg scrambled, or add a pinch of fat free cheese. My favorite is a small dollop of fat free sour cream and some reduced fat feta. Or eat hard boiled. So much you can do.

I also like cottage cheese, yogurt, and Baby Bell cheeses.


on 11/19/13 12:53 am

I found sea food sat best in my tummy.  It still does.  I make salmon,  tilapia with capers and lime, and sea scallops regularly.  They are good protein sources, go down easily, and taste good.  I also did chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad - though I needed mayo to dress them up a bit - but I was eating such small quantities that it didn't hurt the calorie count.  Cold cuts and cheeses also were a staple early out. 

Good luck,



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


on 11/19/13 3:13 am - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

shrimp and lobster are a great source  of protein , I eat shrimp for a meal almost every day and a lobster tail when I want to celebrate

eggs are always a go to for breakfast add a little cheese and it has a bunch of good protein and other nutrients


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







Alese M.
on 11/19/13 5:31 am - FL

Hi Mickey Mantle...

This isn't a protein answer though I do what you and everyone else mentioned above.

I would love to know how you are able to put the time, temp. of your city on your page...???

I did click on it and got my city.  I was hoping to see how to put it on my page.

Thank you, 

alese inFL   

alese in SE FL    




on 11/19/13 5:14 am - FL
VSG on 12/07/12

I love seafood as well, and though I do buy fresh and cook it, I've found some simple, easy solutions. 

I love the Bumble Bee Sensations tuna bowls. They are 4oz and come in three flavors: lemon pepper, sundried tomato & basil, and Spicy Thai. I love the lemon pepper and sundried tomato & basil varieties. Around 160 cals and about 24 grams of protein if I remember correctly. EASY to have in my purse and at work.

Appel Smoked Trout is another of my faves. It's canned in canola oil and I buy it at World Market. 135 cals for the whole can and high in protein (18 grams maybe? I can't remember just now). Again, an easy choice to have handy.

At World Market, I also get the canned salmon, but it's a filet, not like canned chunk salmon. You can get it in oil, but most often, I get it in a dill brine. 

Smoked salmon is another fave of mine. I buy it at the seafood counter. Ducktrap brand I buy either Gravlox style, or the garlic & pepper version. Whole Foods has an AMAZING herb roasted salmon made by Blue Hill Bay. The same brand offers a mesquite variety. All great sources of protein and Omega 3's. 

I use Quest bars fairly frequently and find they don't tend to stall me or serve as a trigger. But keep in mind, for some folks, stalls and triggers related to Quest bars can be an issue.

In the mornings, lately, I've been starting by having a hard boiled egg and a wheel of babybel light cheese. Good protein to start the day and a reasonable number of calories.

Hope this helps! I'm all about having things handy that help me meet my goals.


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