2 week liquid diet... favorite protein shakes???
Unjury Chocolate Splendor became my go-to protein drink. Unjury Chicken Soup saved my sanity postop by giving me a good savory option when I was sick to death of alllllllllll of the chocolate Bariatric Advantage blech. (I do not recommend BA.)
Others I have tried and would drink again now that I'm well along postop are Chike High Protein Coffee, Syntrax Cappuccino, Syntrax Chocolate Truffle, and Syntrax Matrix Peanut Butter cookie. However, you have to know that those are not the lowest calorie or lowest carb options out there.
FWIW I was sleeved the day before Thanksgiving in 2012. Preop and even before that I had already divorced myself from the idea that holiday = food fest. That new way of thinking has served me very, very well, as you can see from my numbers in my signature.
You have to dig down deep and find your inner fighter for that preop diet. Take advantage of any options your plan gives you for things like sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free jello, broth. It helps.
Hands down Unjury is my fave!!! I like the chocolate splendor mixed with water. It tastes like a Yoohoo chocolate drink. The chicken tastes like cup-a-soup and the vanilla is great too. I bought bottles of Torani sugar-free syrup and I make my own flavors using the protein mixes. I also mix 1/2 scoop into my yogurt to increase the protein. I have tried many different proteins, but Unjury is definitely my fave.
When I just can't drink another "protein drink", I drink Isopure. It is clear and tastes like Gatorade. I purchase the 8 oz. plastic bottles on Amazon. Qualifies for Prime free shipping.
I am a RNY gb patient, but the best to you with whatever you decide as your surgery.