3 days post op VSG

on 10/24/13 6:54 am - Bronx/Island Park, NY
VSG on 10/21/13

okay well i am 3 days post op and i have had a rough tie so far. I have been throwing up and nauseous. im very bloated and irritated. Im really having a difficult time getting my 4 oz an hour in. ilI have a lot of gas pain but not much gas!. i must say its not all bad times for me. I don't want to sound like im always complaining about pain because im not. i know this will get better. i think i have a great attitude about this whole thing. I am so greatfull for my great support system. im never really in bed im up and waking around. I have a binder on my tummy which really helps with the pressure. I am eating gas-x like its nothing to help me. but i am really happy with the diet snapple. 

on 10/24/13 7:22 am - Moorhead, MN
VSG on 10/16/13

It does get better.  I am only 8 days post op, and it's been getting better rapidly for me the last couple days or so.

Great job being up and moving around. That helps! 

on 10/24/13 10:42 pm - Bronx/Island Park, NY
VSG on 10/21/13
im glad things are getting better for you.
on 10/24/13 7:03 pm
VSG on 01/06/14 with

Throwing up is not good.  You should see if your doctor will give you something for the nausea.  I like the behind the ear patches myself. (yes, I have had way too many surgeries to know which anti-nausea med is the best)

on 10/24/13 10:39 pm - Bronx/Island Park, NY
VSG on 10/21/13
they gave me some compazeine (spelling?) and zofran. neither which are super helpful.
on 10/25/13 12:08 am

I am one week and 2 days past my surgery. I was given a med for nausea and to get my bowls moving.. It helps for nausea, but not bowls moving. I can tell you that I was told to try smaller sips more often because I was having pain to. I have not tried Diet Snapple I do love the Sobe Life Water 0 calories. Multi-different flavors. I do still get a LOT of pain. Spmetimes I am dumb and get a big drink or something that has not gotten room temp yet that is when the pain really sets in. Have you tried things that are Hot? That really helped me. Sugar free hot chocolate or Apple cider and I did chicken noodle soup broth as well.

This is the first time I have been on this site since I started the whole pre-op surgery work. I hope I was some help to you. Good luck!

on 10/25/13 12:21 am - Bronx/Island Park, NY
VSG on 10/21/13
I started drinking decaf tea today and the bowels started moving (TMI I know)
on 10/26/13 1:54 pm

Are you talking decaf hot tea?... I might have to try it.  Since it has gotten chillier here where I am I have been having sugar free hot apple cider/hot chocolate... It does not stay hot long, but I have enjoyed it.

How has your stomach been?


on 10/26/13 2:15 pm - Bronx/Island Park, NY
VSG on 10/21/13
hot tea yes , my stomach has been really sore.. im. still very nauseous no matter how little sips I drink :( the scars are healing nice how about you
on 10/28/13 3:05 am

I am doing well. Since this past Friday afternoon I have been on the go. I am relaxing today (Monday).. Though I had to do some cleaning. :)  I have one scare that it raised and so I keep triple anti-biotic ointment on it and covered. The drainage area I am keeping covered as well. Infection freaks me out! I am ready to eat food. I have to say I get some soft carrots, green beans from time to time. I have to push myself harder otherwise I would sit on my butt and just sip.. I hope that you are feeling better.. My doctor gave me Reglan 5mgs for the nausea/bowls moving.. Helps with the nausea not bowls moving at least for me. Talk soon

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