How did you get to goal?

on 8/17/13 10:53 am - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

I posted earlier but in looking at the answers and how I wrote the question, I realized my mistake.

I am still in losing phase.  I am not at goal.  That is why I am looking for some guidance.  I have been doing ok, I have lost  60 lbs since surgery on 4/6/13 and feel really good about that.  I think I have lost a little slow but that was ok with me as my liver enzymes were a very high at time of surgery.  I have had 2 tests since and the count has dropped significantly so now I want to ramp of my losing!

Right now and I keeping the my daily stats at about:

calories between 600-800

carbs at less than 30

Protein between 80-100

I go to a total body workout class 5 mornings each week (1 hour class)

My "magic" window of time is shrinking all the time so I want to maximize my weight loss now!

Elina, I read your posts and have gone back in the archives to try and find posts from when you in the first losing phase.  You have done amazingly well on your doctor's plan so I thought if I could follow a tried and true plan, I would find my success at well!

Please just spell it out for me, I really want to work this sleeve and get to goal!!!

Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

(deactivated member)
on 8/17/13 11:28 am

Your plan is my plan. That should do it.  When did you switch to this plan?  How long have you given it? How much are you losing a month now and how much do you still need/want to lose?  I can walk you through the details if I have more information.  If I can't get to it tonight (big 80's party later this evening) than I will definitely follow up with you tomorrow. PM me if you need me.

on 8/17/13 11:37 am
It sounds to me like you ARE experiencing success right now. 60 pounds in 4 months!?! Goodness, girl, that is not slow loosing in my book. Excercise- yes, protein- yes, liquids - yes, low carbing it? - yes....yes, yes,....logging your foods and being mindful? I bet you are. Is the desire there? The commitment? The compliance? Sounds like it. Add patience and let the grace of time take you to goal. The days will pass. They are a gift given to allow for inside as wel as outside growth. Take the inventory and if you pass, then let the process take care of itself. Hugs and encouragement to you- you are doing well.

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



Cindy B.
on 8/17/13 12:10 pm
VSG on 10/22/12

As you see, we have the same surgeon. :) I averaged a loss of 12-15 pounds a month during my weight loss phase. That's less than you've lost, which would average 15 pounds a month since April. I have lost a total of 120 pounds since I started this almost 10 months ago. If your new stomach is anywhere close to the same size as mine, you should be absolutely fine with what you're doing! Just keep on doing it and you'll be at goal before you know it. My capacity is still barely over 1/2 a cup of food per meal. I can eat between 2-3 ounces of dense protein at a time with a couple of bites of side dishes. Right now I'm eating around 1000 calories a day and slowly increasing it to stop losing weight, which has slowed but not entirely stopped yet. It sounds like you're doing fantastic! :)



Surgery weight 255     GW 140     CW 128

on 8/17/13 1:26 pm - Plano, TX
SuzaQue - first of all, congratulations, you really are doing GREAT!!! I can tell you MY story, and what works for me and maybe it will help you a little in some way. Let me tell you that you are right about the 'honeymoon' stage, it is our window of opportunity to lose the MOST weight, the easiest!! I was very 'rigid' - very 'strict' with myself and I managed to lose 85 lbs total, that is including 23 prior to surgery. I reached my doctor's goal in just under five months, and mine, 145 (5 lbs less than his) a month later. My surgery was June 11, 2010, I've been maintaining for a little over 2.5 years. Dr. Davidson says, "This is not a diet, it's a new way of life" and that is true, but to ME, until I reached goal, it was the most serious diet I'd ever been last chance to lose and KEEP IT OFF, so I wanted to make the most of it. Nothing fried or sweet passed my lips!! I stayed away from bread and pasta almost entirely. I've made life style changes I KNOW I can live with forever because this isn't WW, where we diet, lose, stop and regain. I did that for 30 years. No more. There is no end date, our changes are forever, this is a life time commitment!! Right??!!!! For the first time in my adult I do NOT feel guilty when I eat - whereas before, I was always feeling guilty!!! This is what I do, and I have a few other tips too, but THIS is my "dashboard" - and by that I mean, the numbers I get from these things, tells me if I need to 'adjust' something, just a little. Here ya go! I've been doing this stuff for over three years now, it's habit, as natural to me as breathing.

** I weigh every morning unless we are traveling and there isn't a scale
** I weigh and/or measure my food when we are home
** I log my food daily - keeping track of calories (1300 per day) and protein 60+
** I attend support group meetings regularly

I KNOW me and I know how quickly I can gain weight, I've gone up a few pounds, I adjust my calories by 100 per day, and the weight is gone in a week or less. It's that simple. If I were one who weighed once a week, or every two weeks....some only weigh when they go to the doctor.....I could easily be up 8 - 10 lbs. That is NOT as easy to lose. I have been eating off a salad plate since before surgery and when we are home, I'll normally use a seafood fork!!!

I hope SOMETHING here helps you - BTW, your calories are good. Are you hungry, if not, you might want to try lowering them by 100 per day, see how you do. When I was losing, I was getting between 450 - 650 per day. By the time I was in the last month when I hit goal, I was between 700 - 800.

Good luck!!!!! You won't believe what your life is like a year from now!

"Seas The Day"      

Dr. James Davidson - Dallas, TX

Surgery date: June 11, 2010

Goal reached: December 2010

Weight loss: 84 lbs


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