Do any "extremely obese" men have input for me?
Thank you everyone for the wonderful insight! It is great to have somewhere I can come and get this type of information without being judged based on my weight.
I attended my initial dietary consult. She was very nice, but a few things have me a bit mindboggled and/or apprehensive...
-I won't see a nurse or doctor for at least 6 months. until then, it is only dietician meetings and mental health appointments.
-they will attempt to do the VSG laparoscopically, but could change to open at the last minute.
-a 4-6 week liquid diet was mentioned. I failed to confirm if she meant this was combined before and after. if only "before", dang, that is a lot!
-I have to make 3 trips to the mental health doc.
any thoughts on these?