getting harder to find clothes at thrift stores

Linda B.
on 6/18/13 3:17 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Well, I have been searching for some work appropriate clothes at thrift stores. I am finding out that smaller sizes are harder to find. I'm still thrift store shopping because DH spent 12 weeks student teaching, which meant 12 weeks without pay. I've also gotten so used to thrift store prices that it is hard to spend a lot on new stuff.

I am planning on buying some nice new things soon, but I am trying to wait a while till I see how maintenance is going to work.I am taking the advise from some of my buddies over on the lightweight forum, I plan on staying in weight loss mode for a while  to see what happens. 

But, I still need some smaller clothes. kiss

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 6/18/13 9:19 pm
VSG on 04/21/12
I love me some thrift stores now! I never had shopped there before last year and now... I too have a hard time paying for clothes in a real store...even on clearance. Half the fun is in the just keep going and find some fantastic bargins. I also have found it harder to find clothes in my size. The thing is that they still have a pretty decent selection but I am more picky about what I buy. Not only does it have to fit...I have to like it and it has to be flattering. Before...if it fit... I bought it. Enjoy your skinny girl problems!
on 6/18/13 11:34 pm

I wanna see your sexy skinny self soon Linda, I miss my SoCal friends!!!  I guess I have to wait until October for the big conference, eh?

I bet you look amazing & what a problem to have ... trying to find smaller clothes.  Rock on gurl!!!




on 6/19/13 12:06 am - CO

Do you all have Plato's Closets in Cali? They care middle to high end already been loved clothing. Stuff like American Eagle, Hollister, some Ms. Me, Aerostotle. Most of it seems to be in smaller sizes because most of the stuff is for the younger crowd.

I've done pretty well there, especially with pants. Most of the shirts are too young looking for me, but I've also found a jacket or two.

Plato's CLoset might be local, but I bet there's got to be something like it out there.

It's a good problem to have.

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



on 6/19/13 1:34 am - NY

Clothes Mentor is another great place. It is part of the Platos Closet and Once Upon a Child trio of resale stores that seem to be pretty much nationwide. While Platos Closet is for the younger crowd Clothes Mentor is geared for women



on 6/19/13 2:41 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Interesting. I have found just the oposite. When I wore larger sizes the clothes were really worn out and stretched really badly. And really ugly.


Since I am wearing size 8/ S there are more cute clothes at goodwill than I can buy.





on 6/19/13 4:08 am

I am a thrift store junky... but my 1st love is "yard sales" or garage sales... you can normally buy really cute clothes for .50 cents or $1.00. ( I supplement my yard sales finds w/ thrift store finds) The only bad thing is the thrift store prices start looking "high" to you. :-) LOL!

Of course yard sales ventures are hit or miss proposition. I lucked up this past weekend and went to one real good one :-). Got $7.00 worth of clothes *10 pieces. The lady could give lessons in cleaning / folding clothes. They were in MINT condition and good quality. I also check out various thrift stores.... Jamaican Ministry / Good will / Miracle Hill.

I call this type of shopping... Treasure Hunting! :-) So happy treasure hunting.


on 6/19/13 7:39 am - Silver Spring, MD
Go to the thrift stores in the higher income neighborhoods. You'll find smaller sizes there.
VSG 6/10/2011  Dr. Ann Lidor BMore MD 5'5 HW-247 SW-233 GW-145 CW-120   Me rambling about my journey : )

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