eating clean/real food

on 6/14/13 10:38 pm

You can count me in as a "clean" sleever.. I do still have a prot shake in the am generally- but it's unflavored plain whey isolate, a little stevia, and cold brewed coffee, plus almond milk. I did pretty much transition to mostly clean (inside the house) a couple years pre-op, but still ate too many meals out, and didn't get away from grains till just a few months before the sleeve.

I eat mostly home-made proteins, munch on plain Fage yogurt/raw veggies or leftover cooked ones- used to make my own yogurt & cheese w/ raw milk, but the $$ to volume I could use a month started to be wasteful. I eat a ton of veggies- and rarely even buy them frozen as I prefer fresh. Plenty of fresh herbs, plenty of good fats to get all the good stuff out of my foods- avocado oil, coconut, and macnut oils for cooking, olive oil for drizzling, and grass-fed cow butter for yum/health factor.. I try to get good beef, lamb, salmon, mackeral, mussels and shrimp regularly- pretty much anything meat wise is good with me, I don't do lean unless I prefer it. I rarely get anything that comes with an ingredient list :) So yeah- pretty clean.

I do eat a Quest bar a day, but I can recognize what goes into them, so all good there. I gave up grains/starches save for special occasions (outside the house only) and don't do sugar save for a piece of dark choc once in a while (or again, the special dessert bite when out..) I even make my own avocado oil mayo (easy, tasty and No canola/vegetable oil!) 

Nice thing is, eating clean post-sleeve=easier maintenance. I fill up, stay comfortable, not bloated and maintain my 10lbs below goal.. if I go on vacation (or a rare multi-day food vacation)- those processed/meals out tend to immediately puff me up, make me gain and I can eat much more of them than anything else.. add any alcohol- and the bloat is more intense. So, generally if we eat out- we are eating much higher end good foods, for me it's a worthy-ness factor for the volume I have- if it's junky, I take a pass. I want it to be damn good if I'm not cooking it myself, that even applies to the occasional burger out.

Simple fact, real food (meaning, whole- home prepared, unpackaged w/o labels) is the way humans are supposed to eat.. The VSG really doesn't change this. 


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