"I never comment on a woman's weight!"
I've seen many posts about coworkers not commenting on a weight loss, so I thought you all might find this interesting.
I work in cubeland, so literally, once word is out about anything, it's out. My surgery was mid-Nov, and I kept it quiet pre-op (in case I chickened out), but post-op, I gradually let the word out, so it's no secret. And I work with many, many women who notice everything! And they have been very encouraging.
Now for the story -- the guy in the cube diagonal to mine is someone I see and interact with every day. We sometimes have lunch together. So, he's no stranger. Several of us went to to the cafeteria to pick up lunch to bring back to our desks. I had brought tuna salad, but I wanted some lettuce and tomato so I could make a wrap -- so that's all I had in my salad bowl.
While we are waiting for the rest of our pals, he asks about my lunch. I tell him that I have tuna upstairs, but overall, I usually eat between 600-800 calories a day, unless I'm going to gym or something. He says, "How's that working out for you?" About this time, the rest of the women join us -- and, I give him some good-natured grief -- "I've lost more than 70 pounds, and you can't tell?" The other women are giving him some good-natured grief as well, and his response was, "I never comment on a women's weight!"
We told him that overall, that is a good approach, and he should especially NEVER ask when the baby is due!
I won't EVER ask a woman how far along she is in her pregnancy even if she looks like she weighs 100 pounds with a 50 pound round as heck beach ball for a tummy, looking like she could deliver any second. I just cant! I've heard it said before & I get embarrassed for both people, geesh!!!
You've done amazing losing 70 pounds. WTG!!!