I AM a Half Marathoner!! (long post)
I completed my first Half Marathon October 28, 2012. With a time of 4:00:05 and RIGHT after I said I would NEVER do anything that took me 4 hours to do. That was until I MUST have been on drugs at the beginning of the year because I let me 2 friends SOMEHOW talk me into not only signing up for the race in October 2013, but also the June 2, 2013 race.
The beginning of the year started out like ALL my years with trying to complete the couch to 5K and that attempt crashes and burns by March. I'm just NOT built to run. My IT band went out in February (I literally thought I needed a hip replacement, had NO idea of this IT band my ortho spoke of). But I didn't give up I powered through, bought me a foam roller and in AGONIZING pain I rolled that band to extinction.
I started "specifically" training in March and I HATED EVERY blasted step. All I could think of was I promised my friends and well I'm going to do this or DIE trying. Then one of my friends (the main one I was doing this WITH) dropped out. Then I really really really didn't want to train. I powered through. I literally CRIED during a couple of my long walks because I just really really didn't want to "play this game anymore." Then it happened on my LAST long walk I hit the mythical "wall" at 1 hour 45 minutes and I was at mile 6. It took me an HOUR to walk to the 2 miles home. At this point I just knew I was done. There was NO way on God's green earth I was going to be able to do this again. I just kept thinking I made a promise. I had to do this. I told my Kettlebells teacher about the "wall," and he just responded "what's your goal" my answer JUST to finish!!
June 2nd...my mantra...Ms Shell JUST FINISH. It was HUMID like no other. While standing in front of the hotel my friend and I met "Coach Larry's" wife. Just so happens we bought a "groupon" to train with Coach Larry (must be a sign right) and our training will begin in July. So she told us the start was a "mere 2 miles" from our hotel so we all started out on our "warm up" walk to the starting line. I kept up with the Mrs and learned lots of good stuff about Larry and am looking forward to training with him. As you can see from my first picture I was a sexy SWEATY woman by the time we got there. Even though I was going for just finishing (if you remember from the beginning I NEVER wanted to do anything for 4 hours, so my pace was a 3:30-3:45 finish.)
I started out STRONG. I was all set for my finish time goal...then BAM while I didn't hit the mental wall. My body found a physical wall and my calf muscle developed a charlie horse at mile 7. I literally thought I was going to die. Let me say the "bad" thing about the San Diego course was you ran AROUND the city so I had no clue WHERE I was or how to get back if I opted to stop. So I limped for the next 1 1/2 miles just working my way and the muscle stretched out and ALL was right in my world. By the time I KNEW what was going on mentally I was almost to mile 9, and then mile 10 and at a 20 minute mile. At this point I KNEW that I could EASILY walk 3 miles in the next hour to finish the race. NOT beating my last time BUT finishing the race!! MY goal, MY race, all about ME!! I COULD do this and NOT die trying!!
So I finished about 1 1/2 minutes more then last time. I did it...ME...and now I have the one in LA and I'll be training with Coach Larry. And I enjoyed the route in San Diego so much I have signed up for another Half on June 1, 2014.
Doing a Half Marathon has been on MY bucket list since I was 35 and weighed 345lbs. That is when I started doing my first 5Ks. I was/am a walker and slow and steady wins the race, MY race, MY goal.
I AM a Half Maratoner!!
You KNEW it was coming!! I couldn't accomplish THIS great a feat and not share with my family!! I am SUCKY too. I start to jog and literally my body falls apart. My current pace is usually a 3.5 miles per hour so about 18 minute mile. So yeah YOU can do anything if you want to. I walk therefore I am =)
You rock!!!! Its no easy task to complete a 1/2 Marathon and you did it!!!! Keep up the great work
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200 LBS gone in just under 9 Months!
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