Pre-op Cheating

A. Robinson
on 4/24/13 5:38 am - Columbia, TN
VSG on 04/29/13

PLEASE!!!! Tell me I am not the only one who has cheated on the 2 week liquid diet. I feel horrible but it has happened 3 times in 8 days. I know its wrong and I HAVE TO BE STRONGER! On the bright side I have lost 8 lbs. I still have till Monday morning to lose. Has anyone else cheated but their liver still shrunk???

on 4/24/13 5:45 am - WA
VSG on 10/26/12

If we all said YES, would you feel better? What if we all said NO?

Just follow your plan. Set yourself up for success. Get rid of foods you are not supposed to eat and don't be around any until you are done. It's not about what we WANT to eat, it's what we're SUPPOSED to eat, right?

VSG 10/26/12 • HEIGHT 5'4"
GW = 140 lbs met Month 9
CW = 133
Loss per Month: 8 >  9 > 7 > SURGERY  > 15 > 10 > 10 > 10 > 7 > 5 > 6
  > 6 > 5 > 5 > 0


It works if you work it; it sorta works if you sorta work it; and it doesn't work if you don't work it.

on 4/24/13 5:46 am - TN



Heres the thing.  Give up on the idea of strength and discipline getting you through cravings and cheats. Strength and discipline are bull****  They are psychological glycogen whose purpose is nothing more than to get you over short term humps.  Work instead on understanding.  Understand your motives.  WHat is causing you to cheat?  Are you eating emotionally?  Are you feeling you are being denied something while on the diet?  Understand whats making you behave a certain way and you can learn to deal with those triggers.  Understanding will lead to lifelong behavior changes.

MOve past the negative emotions of shame and guilt.  Those are useless emotions that serve to do nothing more than poison your happiness and success.  You cheated, so what.  You will do better next time.  Every time you make a not so good choice, its just an opportunity to make a better choice next time.

Finally, Don't worry about the pre-op site or beyond.  Focus on today.  You are going to eat on plan today.  You can do anything for just one day right?  Thats all a lifetime is is a succession of one day.  

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 4/24/13 5:48 am - NJ
VSG on 03/26/13

EXCELLENT post, Rob. 

Jenn   Highest weight: 278. Starting weight: 275. Surgery weight: 253. Month 1: 25 lbs. Month 2: 8.8 lbs. Month 3: 12.6 lbs. Month 4: 7 lbs. Onederland 7/29/2013. Month 5: 7 lbs. Month 6: 5 lbs. Months 7-9: self-induced maintenance, then 5 lb gain.




A. Robinson
on 4/24/13 6:06 am - Columbia, TN
VSG on 04/29/13

Thank you.  I'm just feeling so guilty. I was so hungry at lunch and was going to drink my shake and when I went to the grocery store to get the almond milk, I got a chicken sandwich at Wendys instead. I have no one else to confide in because I don't want everyone to be disappointed in me. I appreciate your reply. I have to do better........

on 4/26/13 12:18 am - memphis, TN

I have 5 days til liver shrink. I told my co-worker about the diet and she is going to do it with me. Then we told my supervisor and she is going to do it as well. I told my friend and she is going to do it. They volunteered simply because they wanted to jumpstart their own diets or it's days b4 their vacations or whatever...But let me say this, when I think back over my overweight life, I have always thought about what I can do for others. How others feel. But this right here is for me. I told my sister about the surgery and she didn't think it was good idea. She thought I should just push back from the table. I told my dad I was having weightloss surgery and he was like what are they going to do, wire your mouth shut...he knows I LOVE good food, but it kind of hurt my feelings a little. I said all of that to say, don't worry about disappointing or even pleasing others. Beware of people acting like they are disappointed in you only to make you feel bad about the POSITIVE changes your making. Worry about how YOU feel. If you are disappointed, the pick yourself up and start over. You will make mistakes on this journey. Don't beat yourself up so bad that you think all of your hard work is for nothing and just give up. Just start fresh today. Everyday is a new day to get it right. So when I start this liver shrink, I'm gonna make sure I find you if I mess up so you can repeat the same above!

A. Robinson
on 4/24/13 6:09 am - Columbia, TN
VSG on 04/29/13

Thank you so much! I replied to the lady below your post & meant to reply to you. I appreciate your feed back!

on 4/24/13 5:46 am

Hello as bad as I hate to admit this but I did cheat.WHew! so ashamed of myself,however I did still lose weight and since surgery I have being doing really well with my sleeve. Just remember WE must change our mindset in order to be successful at this.  Good Luck with your sleeve.

on 4/24/13 6:01 am - TX
VSG on 03/26/13

Not trying to scare you, and losing a few pounds is good, but the reason for the liquid pre-op diet is to shrink your liver. Some doctors don't do a pre-op diet and they work around the fatty slimy enlarged liver but that puts you at risk. Some doctors that require a pre-op diet will poke you full of holes to do the surgery, take a look inside, and then button you up if your liver didn't shrink and don't complete the surgery. They don't want to risk your life and can be quite mean about it.

That knowledge scared me enough I didn't dare cheat. I still had a "fatty" liver according to the biopsy but he said it was stage 1 and would improve when I lost weight.

Be strong, you only have to make it until Monday. Don't beat yourself up about the past, just promise to do better in the future. Best of luck.


    800 calories and less than 20 net carbs is the shizzle



on 4/24/13 6:55 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Don't let yourself get to this point. If you are hungry ,have an additional shake. are you drinking 100+oz of sf liquid a day? believe it or not,liquid CAN help.


also,DON'T run out of supplies for your shakes. buy 2 cartons of almond milk at a time and when one is gone and you open the second one,go buy another right away. Failing to plan is planning to fail.


You can do this. You must make plans to help yourself suceed.






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