Severe iron deficiency
Man! That really sucks! I'd say go with liquid lorn if you can get some and the docs ok with it. It doesn't seem to constipate people as much. The BA lorn doesn't seem to constipate me as much at the others. Add some probiotics and magnesium for sure. Did they check the magnesium level? Can you get the doctor to give you an lorn infusion maybe? That might not have the side effects of taking it orally. I'm not sure about that though.
Anemia sucks....but at least you know what the problem is!
I've used Vitalady's Tender Iron and Proferrin. Tender Iron is carbynol iron and supposedly easily absorbed and doesn't cause the constipation problem. Proferrin is heme iron and suppose to be even more easily absorbed. You don't have the "don't take iron with calcium" limitation with Proferrin.
On dosage, I suppose it depends on how low your iron is. It doesn't come up right away, so I wouldn't worry about overdosing on it. Give a shout out to Kelly on the RNY board or to Vitalady and see what they think.
that is a normal dose of iron. normally it takes up to 3 months to bring the level up to where you notice a change. If its is severely low the hematologist i work with would give it IV in our office. As far as the constipation it will get worse you need to start a stool softner with the Iron colace is over the counter or even mirlax. Good luck !! and then there is always liver yuck! lol
Glad you got an answer to what's been happening. I don't have a recommendation, but just wanted to tell you to hang in there and that I hope you get some energy back soon with the correct iron supplementation.
I'm really sorry to hear this, but happy you at least know! By the way - did they check your Vit. D and B-12 levels? I ask since they say that those can cause tiredness, etc if you are low...just wondering how you are on the other vitamin levels.
I am currently taking a Raw iron formula (Garden of Life "Code Raw Iron") is supposedly gentle on the stomach, but I still have some constipation issues and have to take a prune laxative and stool softeners. I will check out the iron from VitaLady, though.
Keep us posted!
I'm sorry you were feeling so horrible, but glad you found out why.
Can't help with any information - but sending love and warm thoughts your way.
160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks. My Goal in 37 Weeks.
VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy: 7/22/2013
I too have low iron levels. My NUT suggested this because I was having trouble with the iron pills. They made my stomach upset and of course the constipation. /B001QKIBOK/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1366832890&sr=8-9&keyword s=liquid+iron
It's gluten free and non-constipating. I take it 3x daily with 500mg of Vitamin C each dose. The vitamin c helps absorb the iron. The only problem I see, is this is only 40mg of iron per serving. Which would only get you 120mg of iron per day. Unless of course you increase the dose.
Anyway, this really works well. Good luck!