6 Months Post-Op and Diarrhea from last 4 days, i have lost 6 lbs in 4 days

on 4/21/13 3:11 am

Hi All,

I have severe diarrhea since last 4 days, i think i ate something to triger it, cant even seem to retain water i m drinking. Just took some yougurt in last few days.

My Intestines are making weird grumbling noises, waterfall like noises, im too confused, My doc said just take a immodium and drink plenty of water , im drinking but after few mins i have to rush to bathroom, is it a bug do i need Antibiotic or it has to do something with VSG.


Please help.


on 4/21/13 8:09 am
VSG on 05/31/12

First of all I am not a doctor so take my thoughts for what they are worth.  The fact that you are 6 months post op I seriously doubt that you can find fault or issue with something having to do with the VSG.  I would be more inclined to thing about a stomach virus as the culprit.  

You mentioned that you think you ate something to trigger this.  What is it that you think might have been the cause?  I am not sure that anything that you would eat could be causing a 4 day issue therefore again I am likely to point to a stomach flu/virus thing.  

Of course the most serious issue is dehydration.  I like that your doc has advised plenty of water.  I would actually be thinking along the lines of Poweraid Zero.  I like this idea as it will help with dehydration by adding in some electrolytes.  You mentioned drinking water is triggering a rush to the bathroom.  I am wondering if playing with the temperature of what you are drinking might help somewhat.  I actually tend to drink the Poweraid Zero at room temperature and find that it isn't really that bad.  I do like the mixed berry flavor the best but to each his/her own on that.

I am not sure that getting an antibiotic at this point will prove too helpful.  You have had this issue for 4 days and it is likely to be close to having run it's course.  Although again not being a doctor myself I don't know if that truly is the case.  I think if you could get into seeing a doctor tomorrow I would.  You really are not wanting to mess around with becoming dehydrated which would be my main concern.  

Not sure that this helps much but again I am thinking your best bet is to play it safe and see a doctor tomorrow.  I would call in for an appointment and kind of hint at it being something that requires attention that day.  It wouldn't do much good to put it off another day or two as you are really stressing your body with what I am guessing is being close to dehydration if you haven't already hit that point.


Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do their “practice”?  -  George Carlin             


on 4/21/13 6:17 pm

Thanks Calking, i guess u were right, im getting better now, and i was drinking cold water and lemonade and Temp was playing its role. But thanks for your comprehensive input. i really appriciate it.



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