Day 2 Post Op and nausea

on 3/5/13 10:13 am
Hi everyone!
I just had a quick question. It's my second night in the hospital and I'm having a lot of trouble with drinking and then pressure in my chest afterwards. I've been walking ALOT and outputting solid urine. I've honestly never really felt heartburn before this surgery.
Does anyone have any suggestions or should this, too, pass?
I'm more nervous about going home tomorrow and not being able stay hydrated. I feel like I could throw up, but it's mostly been burps. My incisions are sore, but past this drinking thing, I feel fine.
Thanks for any and all suggestions!
Glad I made it through the hardest part.


on 3/5/13 10:32 am
VSG on 09/17/12
Try warm water rather than cold. It goes down WAY easier. I'm nearly 6 months out and still prefer it luke warm. Cold goes clunk into my tummy which makes me feel a bit yucky.

Remember you have been pumped with a lot of different drugs which could be causing your nausea. Personally, I get hives every time I have an anaesthetic. Once they work their way out of your system you will come right.

And if you don't, call your surgeon

Suzy wink (Age: 41, Height: 6'1,  SW: 169.4kg/372lb.  CW: 80.5kg/177lb.  Total lost: 88.9kg/195lbs)





on 3/5/13 12:36 pm
VSG on 05/31/12

SuzyNZ has the right advice.  Try various temperatures.  

Also you mentioned trouble with drinking but not what you are trying to drink.  I think that this would make the difference.  For example when I was per op I would drink lots of bottled water (not spring water the other stuff that has been filtered and minerals are added).  Now 9 months post op a sip of that makes me want to throw up.  It's like I taste every mineral that is put into the water and it is nasty.  However if I add in some drink mix (any that doesn't have aspartame as that will guarantee me as well as many others a headache, literally), I find that I can more easily drink what I need.  That being said I have been bad today about getting in my liquids but it's more a timing issue than the fact that I can't.  

So if it is straigh****er that you are having trouble with, then try temperature differences as well as something in the water or some ice tea or other liquid (not any juices ... most surgeons don't like people using them early on especially as the citric acid can have many issues).


Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do their “practice”?  -  George Carlin             


on 3/5/13 2:17 pm, edited 3/5/13 2:19 pm
VSG on 02/27/13

Keep up the walking, of course; over time I think that helped the most. Are they giving you anything for nausea or sending you home with something? I had a tab that dissolved on my tongue that was very helpful the first few days. It's called Ondansetron ODT and it really helped the few times I started to feel nauseated after I got home. Tackling the nausea with the Ondansetron, dealing with the gas with Gas-X strips, and keeping up the walking were really all that helped. 

I also worried about getting in enough water. With that persistent pressure behind my sternum it was difficult to swallow. All I could do was sip-sip-sip and try to get in what I could. I felt better when I realized I was getting in more ounces each day than I had the day before. Tomorrow will be a week since my surgery and today was the first day I felt I could drink "freely" and actually got in enough water. 

It sounds like you're doing what you can to stay on top of the nausea and gas pain, and that's really the best thing you can do toward getting in your water. I found my ability to drink flagging a few times and realized it was usually because some nausea had snuck up on me, or I was just getting overwhelmed by the gas pain. 

In my experience it really did get better and easier every day. You sound like you're working hard on taking care of yourself so I'm sure you'll do fine. :)

I have a basement but don't dwell in it full time.

on 3/5/13 6:54 pm

Ginger is very good for nausea. If you can boil some (about an inch) of fresh ginger in 2 cups of water, let it cool some and sip on it, it may help.  I still can't drink water without some kind of flavoring a month later. I use ginger, lemon or Syntrax Nectar protein. Good luck, I am sure you will be fine!

on 3/5/13 9:04 pm, edited 3/5/13 9:04 pm - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

I had the same issues for days every time I took a sip of water the reflux and nausea I felt was horrible the hospital had to give me gravol every 4 hours to help. Then when I went home they prescribed Nexium for the acid reflux.

One part of the Sleeve is that we can develop acid reflux and others may have it worse than others.

Keep sipping I am three weeks out and still have some issue's drinking plain water  to me it taste horrible also so I boil my water and put in fridge and add crystal light.

It does get better.


Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

on 3/6/13 8:10 am

Thanks for all your responses!

I finally made it home today and have been sleeping a lot. But I agree with so many of you, cold water is not the best, and neither is plain water. I started taking some acid reducing chew tablets, so we'll see how that works. It has been getting better though, so I'm really thankful you all assuaged my fears.

Hope the next few days fly by and back to my mostly normal self. :)


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