Sleeve option for ME?
I completely understand you not wanting to deal with mal absorption. I too, worried about vitamin deficiencies down the road, especially after becoming more "forgetful." I am not that good at remembering to take pills now and I could just see the handwriting on the wall years down the road.
The sleeve is a much better surgery, in my opinion, than the RNY. If you were ready to deal with the vitamin issues, I would suggest looking into the DS. None of these surgeries is a guarantee of any kind of success and certainly any of them can lead to disaster. The VSG is a very forgiving surgery. It is the safest one of the 4 widely available now.
I would suggest you start getting healthy right now. I find that this site is extremely helpful for information and encouragement. The smaller stomach is just one element to weight loss. Most of the work will be on you and the more informed and determined you are, the more successful you will be.
Healthy eating is for everyone. It saddens me that our food supply is so tainted with sugar and processed foods. Make this a quest to reclaim your life. The VSG will be a first step of many you will need to take.
I wish you well and look forward to you moving forward on your your way to a healthy fulfilling life.
Lap Band 2006
VSG 2008
Thank you for all of your advice. :) I have been working to eat healthier to the point that my cholesterol is down from a 204 to a 163! :) I weighed in at the weight center at UMASS last week and I was 20 pounds lighter than my last weigh in there and I was three pounds under the lightest weight they had recorded for me. (I had gained weight under the guidance of my nut! ...did I mention I am a stress eater?? This woman totally stressed me out to the point of TEARS!)
So...I would love a surgery... dream options here... that is the least invasive, helps me lose weight as a tool with my own hard work included here...and it would have the least side effects and issues and death rate.
There's another option that you really should research as well, called the DS/duodenal switch. The DS has the same stomach as the Sleeve, plus an intestinal bypass similar to, but more effective than, that of the RNY/gastric bypass. The DS has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats, especially for those with a BMI greater than 50. It's also the very best at resolving or preventing co-morbs like diabetes and high cholesterol. (For example, my cholesterol went from 220 pre-op to 112 about six months post-op---and that was eating bacon for breakfast every day, too!)