My rules for newbies. Not for Vets

(deactivated member)
on 2/10/13 8:30 am

My rules are just that, they are rules for me. If you have other ideas that you need to do, go for it.   I have been asked for me list of rules, and I am sure I have posted this stuff before, probably a million times, but I can't seem to find it.  Here goes...

Early out- first two weeks.

Drink all day long.  I mostly drank protein shakes as they count toward your liquid and your protein.  You can't stretch your sleeve through drinking, but you can get seriously dehydrated and need to be readmitted to the hospital, it is the most common complication.  Drink whether you feel like it or not, not negotiable.

Week 2-4 Mushies

Eat like a baby.  Soft foods only.  Protein foods, no mashed potatoes, grits, beans, oatmeal, other carbs.  Yes to non fat or low fat cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, eggs, tuna, soft flaky fish, anything in a blender ( not pizza).  You are still getting all of your nutrients from the protein shakes.  These are not negotiable.  Aim for at least 70 grams of protein, but closer to 100 is even better.  I don't care if you hate the protein shake, find another one, make it work.  This is your medicine, not negotiable.  You should be eating 1/4 cup of food at most at a time, taking pencil eraser sized bites and chewing about 30 times.  If it's too much, back down and do a few more days of liquids. There is no rush, just make sure you stay hydrated. 

Starting at week 5- untill goal.

You are slowly, very slowly, going to reintroduce more solid protein into your diet, still eating about 1/4 cup and slowly going up to about 1/2 cup.  That is about 2-3 ounces of protein.  You will concentrate on eating lean, dense home cooked protein at every meal.  Calories should stay under 800.  Most people stay in the 600-800 calories range, but it's not required that you eat at least 600 calories.  What is required is that you meet your protein needs.  Somewhere in the 80-100 grams range should do it. Keep your carbs under 40 but preferably under 20.  Yes, it can be done.  Just eat protein most of the time and it works.  Eventually, at about three months or more, you might start to add veggies, green leafy veggies and those that are low in carbs should be added.  Eat the protein first, and then, if you have space, add in a few bites of veggies.  I personally found that it helped me to eat protein only during my main meal and have veggies as my snacks. Continue to stay hydrated, drink about 100 ounces a day if you can.  Exercise, take your vitamins, you know the drill.

Use this early time to work on your head issues with food. Figure you out.  When are you tempted to overeat?  What are your triggers?  What are your personal patterns and beliefs around food and what it means?  What are you most afraid of?  Are you sabotaging yourself because you are afraid to succeed? Do you need a therapist to help you sort this out?  Only you know the answer. 

The most important piece of advice that I am going to give you is this: Journal every single bite.  Keep track of your calories, protein, and carbs.  If you fail to track, then when you get stuck, we will not know why you are stuck and all advice will be meaningless. 

Stalls are not always what you think they are, you might want to search my post on stalls which might help you keep your head when it feels like you are stuck.  Don't jump around.  Choose a program that works and stick with it or make changes if it is really not working, but don't just try something new every week.

Make promises to yourself and then commit to keeping them.  You owe it to yourself to do this with integrity and serious commitment to keep learning and growing.

Most importantly, remember, you are not a victim.  This was your choice, you are in control and are driving this whole journey.  The power is yours.  This is not a punishment but a great privilege.  Good luck to you, and to all of us.

ashley J.
on 2/10/13 8:37 am - CA
VSG on 06/25/12
Thank you! I love your advice!!!

 HW:315 SurgeryW:297 CurrentW:212.4 GoalW:165**M1:-25  M2:-18 M3: -13.2 M4: -13.8 M5: -4.4  M6: -7.2  M7:-3   M8: -0   M9:   M10:   M11:    1 Year Out: 

  Weekly weigh-in numbers located in OH Profile area

on 2/10/13 8:38 am
VSG on 11/21/12 with

Thanks for posting this! 


5'8"    HRW 357 on 7/09/12    SW 339   >196 8/26/13 (surgeon's goal)   TWL  193     CW   164 

*:•-:¦:-•:*1st pers. goal 178 on 10/16/13; ultimate goal 164 on 12/13/13*:•-:¦:-•:* 

on 2/10/13 8:39 am
VSG on 03/19/13

Thank you! 



3/6/13: Started 2 week pre-op fast for surgery: Lost 11 pounds

3/19:  Surgery

on 2/10/13 8:39 am
Thanks for the advice. This will definitely come in handy! My surgery date is 2/20/13, so it's getting pretty close.
on 2/10/13 8:58 am

Mine 2/20 too!!!!

Best Wishes

on 2/10/13 8:59 am
Best wishes to you too!!!
on 2/10/13 9:00 am
Thank you
on 2/10/13 8:46 am
VSG on 07/08/13 with

Thanks for posting this.  They are good guidelines to live by post-sleeve I think!

on 2/10/13 8:55 am
Great post! Thank you!