Severe lacking of excercise motivation
Using a touch screen on my IPad, excuse any typos.
on 2/4/13 2:40 am - Jacksonville, FL
I was the same way...have/had a bad back and a bad knee from a military-related injury. However, I found that the extra weight was only making my pain much, much worse because as I lost the weight my back and knee no longer hurt.
As far as motivation goes, I realized that doing workouts in a group setting with a coach/trainer really motivates and yields the best out of me. I guess the competitiveness from the others in the group and motivation from the trainers also pushes me above and beyond my limits....limits I don't I could have reached if I worked out on my own. It's great!
Best of luck to you! -Larry
Using a touch screen on my IPad, excuse any typos.
1. Anything in life worth having is worth working for.
2. Sell yourself on yourself, be happy and smile.
3. Plan your attack and attack your plan.
4. Get physical exercise and get in shape.
5. Take care of yourself and eat Rhino food.
6. Get mental exercise, read good books, garbage in = garbage out.
7. Discipline yourself, use your time wisely, do it now!
8. Never lose your sense of humor, choose to be happy.
9. It’s all in your mind, positive mental attitude.
10. Plans change, prepare for Rhino problems, failure brings success-.
11. Have a 2 inch thick skin, it feels good to be a Rhino.
12. Kick the worry habit; things always work out for the best.
13. Associate with winners, as you associate - you become.
14. Work together, go for it!
15. Expect some rotten days, charge at your problems, and take action.
16. You have to give to get, when you share - you care a hundredfold.
17. Be a kid again, have a new experience.
18. Take a Rhino rest, don't forget about the crash or Rhinos.
19. Declare yourself a Rhino, became a Rhino today.
For me, exercise falls into the "just suck it up and do it" category. I like walking the dog OK, and I'll go walk around the mall (not very fast, I might miss a sale). I liked team sports when I was younger. But I HATE, HATE, HATE going to the gym, walking for exercise, etc. And I have a series of injuries that would be funny, it it wasn't true!
So here's what I do (as part of sucking it up):
1. I go to the gym for water aerobics and water zumba (where no one can see my thighs rubbing together, and in water there's a lower chance of spontaneous combustion from said thighs!). I even wear an aquatard, so there's some thigh compression! LOL.
2. I have a series of water exercises and I swim -- culled from previous therapies (shoulder, back, hip, ankles, knees, feet. Really, told you it would be funny it wasn't true!). I have a waterproof nano -- makes a huge difference, so I can rock out while I'm exercising or swimming. I often change strokes every couple of laps too -- mostly because I'm out of breath and think I'll drown if I don't switch to a stroke where my face is completely out of the water while I'm gasping for air!
3. I have some appts with my personal trainer. Because of my amazing ability to injure myself while breathing (practically), she helps make sure that I am using machines that will strengthen my weakest points without further injuring them. She also makes sure I'm using the machines correctly and pushes me to increase the weights and reps. I don't see her every session, just every two weeks to review progress.
So overall, Monday is water aerobics, Tuesday is resistance (and water if I feel like it), Wed is off -- we hope to start regular dance lessons in March, Thursday is resistance (and water), Friday I'm usually off --or we do a dance lesson sometimes. Saturday is water zumba and usually additional water exercise. And off on Sunday. That's about the best I can do. It looks better on paper! There's something planned for most nights, so if there's a problem, I'll have something planned for the next day (since I am the queen of excuses!).
Swimming and doing your own water exercise (or go to a trainer or PT for a plan) might be the best way to start, since the water supports your joints, and you can do it on your own schedule. Find someplace with a therapy pool if you can -- just hanging in the warm water makes my back feel better!
Using a touch screen on my IPad, excuse any typos.
I can walk for hours now, and I love it. I actually had a walking date with a girlfriend today and it was (gasp) fun! If you'd told me 6 months ago that I'd be saying that I'd have known you were lying.

Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180
I've been a workaholic like you, and I urge you to remember that when that job is gone, you will have only yourself and your body to fall back on. Take care of your body first because you'll be in deep dodo if it doesn't keep working. Your bosses and coworkers will move on and you will end up regretting you gave up your health for them.
i also have arthritis and can imagine how much pain you must be in. I get in my cardio on a recumbent stationary bike. Maybe you can try one of those, with some thumping music on your iPod, to get yourself in the mood?
Exercise could even help you with some of your physical ailments! Good luck!