on 1/30/13 9:07 pm
VSG on 04/27/12

Anybody with COPD have WLS? My friend who is 62 with emphysema and has trouble catching her breath after walking up the steps at the movie theater would love WLS but figures she wouldn't be approved for it.  She will ask her doc, but I thought I'd ask here if anybody has that experience. Thanks.

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


on 1/31/13 2:53 am - CA
VSG on 12/17/12
She would be at a much higher anesthesiology risk. She may be cleared due to that comorbidity, ie, losing weight may help with her breathing.


on 1/31/13 3:29 am
VSG on 04/27/12

Both make sense. Thank you.

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


(deactivated member)
on 1/31/13 5:08 am - CO

I do not have COPD but am on 24 hour oxygen due to pulmonary hypertension. I had VSG on 10/22. I had to have additional testing prior to approval but as stated above losing the weight may help with her breathing. It was one of the main reasons I had this surgery. I had an extensive conversation with my anesthesiologist prior to surgery as well as my pulmonologist to relieve my worries as well as make sure that all would go well when put under. The one thing is that my anesthesiologist did not give me any type of sedative prior to surgery...he wanted  good monitoring of my oxygen when I was brought in to the OR and as I was put under so he had accurate baselines throughout surgery. Hope this helps and good luck to your friend. BTW I have been able to decrease my oxygen liters per minute since surgery.

on 1/31/13 5:16 am
VSG on 04/27/12

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Have you responded well to the surgery otherwise?

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


(deactivated member)
on 1/31/13 2:13 pm - CO

My weight loss has been good (over 60lbs since surgery 140lbs since highest weight 3/2012). I have had complications and pesky nausea, vomiting, dehydration etc. However NONE of my post op problems have been in anyway related to my oxygen problems. Or related to lung functioning.

on 1/31/13 8:46 pm
VSG on 04/27/12

I'm sorry you've had such a rough time of it. Any idea what caused the complications? Are they gone now?

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


(deactivated member)
on 2/1/13 5:03 am - CO

It has been a tough road and am still rocky at best...but I am doing my best to keep a good attitude. Have not been able to tolerate any protein powders, shakes so  getting in enough protein has been a major hurdle. People don't realize that this is pretty major for those of us that can't easily supplement this way. I also can only consume about 1 to 2 oz  total at one 40 min meal. So my 3 mos blood work was not the best. I am working with my docs still to resolve these and a few other issues. Thank you for your response. However as i said I made this commitment and plan to do the best possible. Unfortunately I just wasn't lucky enough to be one of those " everything went perfect and all is so easy" VSG people. 

on 2/1/13 5:07 am
VSG on 04/27/12

I don't mean to pry if you're tired of answering questions about it, but what solid proteins are you able to eat? Since I don't like shakes, I get all my protein from food but I'm fortunate that I can eat easily. I do rely heavily on Greek yogurt with syrups simply because I like it.

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


(deactivated member)
on 2/1/13 5:41 am - CO

No I don"t mind and always appreciate any help and suggestions.I can eat tuna tilapia small amt of ground turkey a few cheeses lowfat cottage cheese ( I have to be careful with milk products, I don't tolerate them well since surgery) eggs sm amt of greek yogurt . I have not been able to keep down turkey or chicken unless if it is in the form of deli lunch meat. I have tried all sorts of different cooking methods and recipes to keep them moist with no luck so far (they are moist just don"t stay down). I unfortunately can not have much in the way of artificial sweetners as they cause some nasty reactions for some reason. So I just have been blessed with a body that is highly sensitive to foods and medicines which has unfortunately increased since surgery. I am sure I may be forgetting a few foods I have eaten, and I have been cleared for all foods at this point. It is definitely discouraging at times. Especially when I read people at my stage eating almost anything and vets saying to just buck it up and use the protein shakes or you need to eat 70 to 100 g of protein to be successful....I am struggling to get in 30 to 40 g some days and 350-400 cals.(hence my poor blood work) Believe me I would love to be able to use the protein stuff....but vomiting No Thanks. So I keep going and do my best to keep a positive outlook. It has been difficult but I will make it through. Again I appreciate any suggestions.

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