X-post Vacation NSV's and Fun Times (long)

Linda B.
on 1/5/13 2:41 pm - CO
VSG on 09/13/12

Well, if you noticed I have not been posting much, it is because DH, DS & I just spent a week in Montana. My DD & grandchildren live there, so since we had some time off, we hopped on a plane and headed to Big Sky Country. We had not been on a plane for about 3 1/2 years, so the trip started off with both of noticing that we fit so much better in airplane seats.

We spent some time on the local sledding hill, I ice skated with my granddaughter, and we just enjoyed the time we had. However, we now have some skinny people problems, we were freaking cold. Now I know, it was Montana (duh, it's cold), but this year, it was a bit worse than last year. Good thing we had quality long johns.

At the end of the trip, we headed out for Bozeman to visit DH's cousin and hit the slopes. We went skiing for the first time since we both had surgery. We didn't ski last year because DH was not far enough out, and there was a lack of snow. But this year, wow. I have lost 69 pounds since the last time I skied and it has made quite a difference. I did spend my day on the bunny slope so I could spend my day re-learning. My balance is different now so I really needed to just spend the day this way. I also noticed that I didn't get tired getting off the lift like I did before. I used to have to rest after a couple of runs because I would get tired. If you ski, you know that trying to get off a lift when you are tired can be dangerous. I also managed to stay upright all day. This is a first for me, usually a day skiing involves some time on my butt. I'm sure I will have my share of falls in the future, but that's okay.

Oh, we also bought new ski jackets. DH got a men's small, I got a ladies medium. I know mine will be too big next year, but the one I had was a XL. Because it was so big, it would not have worked out to wear it on the slopes. Sport equipment and clothing does need to fit properly.

One more thought, the small town we were visiting, well let's just say the restaurants there, not WLS friendly at all. Almost everything in the general area is breaded and deep fried. I did cook, but DSIL took us out to dinner, we didn't see anything that would really be a good choice, but we did the best we could. I thought for sure I would gain weight during vacation, but much to my surprise, I lost a pound. I miss the grandchildren already, but it is much easier to stay on program at home. But, we ordered protein powder, protein pudding (yuck) and some bars and had them shipped to DD's house. That sure beat packing all that in my luggage. Now, back to reality, vacation over.


high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 1/5/13 9:15 pm
Wow Linda that all sounds so exciting! Being out there in the snow, skiing, ice skating & just enjoying life. So awesome, congrats on all those NSV's!!!




on 1/5/13 10:08 pm
VSG on 06/27/12

Sounds like a great time!!!  NSV with the family are the best!


on 1/5/13 10:26 pm - Austin, TX

Awesome. I love those moments of "surprised normalcy" when you realize that "hey... I just did xyz!" I'm sure had many of those. Congrats!

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 1/5/13 11:11 pm - Westborough, MA
VSG on 08/19/13

congratulations on your nsv!!  You know all us pre sleevers are so looking forward to being able to post things just like you did today.  You give us all hope and inspiration. :) Thank you.

Highest Wt: 264, band May '05, pre sleeve wt 235, current 189, personal goal 140




on 1/7/13 2:30 am - CA
VSG on 03/14/12

Congrats on your great NSVs!  I am sure you had a wonderful vacation.  Love your updates.  

Hope to get together with you guys soon.  :)

HW:242 Start of Preop Diet:  217  SW:200 CW:116.8 GW: 115;  SOCAL MEETUPS GROUP!:  http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/socalhallo2012/    


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