3 days from surgery...
It's 3 days until my surgery and all of a sudden I feel ill prepared. I went to the store and purchased jello and broth and herbal tea. I've been cleaning up the bedroom prepared for an extended stay ( even though I have no idea if that's what people do after surgery ... rest? Will I be walking around? I know I have been told all of this before but my mind seems to have gone blank. I am struggling to find the right vitamins, and even when I look through my book by the time I get to the store the panic has driven everything out of my mind. I am excited about what is to come, but feel like I need more information. Please tell me what your pre-op experience was like and how you got past the panic to the action stage.
On a separate note, I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season!
Boy does that sound familiar! Did many of the same things and had many of the same feelings. I think its natural to panic a little. I was really worried about the vitamins. I was more afraid of messing that up than I was about the surgery it's self. My surgeon has a great support stuff to help patients with all the questions about diet and vitamins! They provided detailed lists and instructions plus I could call or email them. Yes you will or at least should be doing good amount of walking. Good Luck and Congrats!
Thank you for responding. I do think it has to be normal to panic. I am afraid that I am going to forget something important, but I have a very supportive hubby and I know he will be there to calm me if I freak out...LOL It's good to know that I won't be stuck in bed. The idea of being waited on hand and foot is appealing but I don't think it will speed my recovery. I am hoping my week after appointment will be more informative, I feel like I forgot everything from my pre-op class! Thanks again for writing me!
OHHH BOY!! This sounds like me before my surgery. I am a Virgo so I like all my ducks line up and in order (LOL) and surgery jitters where no fun, I find it that doing a list help me out A LOT and also asking questions here (which you just did) so here is my take of what you should do. Ok the first thing you need to do is take a deep breathe!
As for things to buy I got popsicles, Jell-O, protein drinks, I got my protein drinks at GNC. I suggest Molex. You really are going to have to PUSH yourself to drink you can get dehydrated if you don’t but make sure to sip slowly.
I suggest rest, yes, but walking after surgery is very, very important. DON’T STAY IN BED ALL DAY! Start slow walk around your house. If you have a hallway walk it two of three times. Walk around the neighborhood for a bit. Staying home is depressing.
Vitamins – I got the adult chewable Vitamins at GNC as well. I still take the Chewable Calcium Plus 600 with Vitamin D.
It is very normal to feel out of sort before you surgery but everything is going to work out. Don’t go crazy buying a bunch of stuff. Get small quantity of stuff and buy as needed.
I'm a Gemini but we may still be kindred, if those ducks would just tow the dang line!! I had not thought of popsicles!! sugar free I assume that's a great idea, and maybe even some water-sicles would be good!! I have not tried GNC I guess I need to stop staring blankly at the shelves at the grocery store, and go to an actual health store, ha ha. I really have been trying to find everything locally but I live a little in the boondocks so it's time to venture out! Thanks so much for the reassurance, it feels better to know this is part of the regular process and I will be sure to update everyone after the surgery.