64 oz of water - really?

on 12/12/12 4:57 am - OH
VSG on 10/02/12
I was never much of a drinker of anything before surgery. Getting the 64 oz in a day is still difficult for me at 10 weeks out but so far I have only fallen short one day and that was this week - was somewhere where I couldn't drink for a few hours and I fell asleep that night before I could get the last 10 oz in. I think the drinking is harder for me than the food part. So, yes, it is necessary to drink 64 or more oz a day.

on 12/12/12 5:10 am

I no longer have to drink constantly to do it. I did the first few months, but now while I can't gulp I can drink more quickly so I get it in 16 oz in about half an hour a several times a day. I can knock out over 100 oz a day pretty easily (except now when recovering from a stomach bug and 64 oz is a pain again).

I didn't make it to 64 oz the day after surgery - I think I hit 32 oz and increased it a little each day. Wa****ting 64 oz at about 2 weeks out. You can count all fluids early on, like protein shakes, broths, etc.

The important thing is not to get dehydrated. That's actually the single most common thing that lands people back in the hospital. They get dehydrated. Dehydration causes nausea in a fragile stomach which leads to more dehydration. It's a pain at first, but it's part of the surgical recovery process to make yourself drink.

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

Rita M.
on 12/12/12 5:33 am - Webster, MA

I don't get in down either (13 days post-op). However I do get somewhere around 40 to 50 and my NUT said if it is 40-64 anywhere in that range is good enough. Don't forget your shakes and soups and so forth also count as liquid. 




on 12/12/12 5:37 am
VSG on 11/02/12

It took me a couple of weeks to be able to get that much in.  I still struggle; but it's constant sipping (when I'm not eating).

on 12/12/12 6:52 am
VSG on 12/07/12

My nutritionist says the goal is 48-64, 48 is the minimum. I just had surgery on 12/7 and feel like I am drinking constantly because that is the only way I can make my goals for fluid/protein. When I was making a point to drink at least 64oz of water before surgery I felt so much better, my head felt less foggy, my lips were less dry and I just overall felt better so while It maybe more work now (because it takes me 60 minutes to drink 8oz) I know staying hydrated is crucial. 


(HW: 305)  (SW: 271.9) (33.1 lbs lost prior to surgery) (MsJexi on MFP)


on 12/12/12 9:16 am

I had trouble drinking enough at first too.I had a surprise hiaital hernia repair with the sleeve,which caused chest pain everytime I swallowed liquids  for about two weeks.It made the normal difficulty getting liquids in post sleeve worse. I'm 6 weeks out and get 9-10 cups of fluids a day now.I can also drink normally now, not the constant sipping.I'm doing 1 or 2protein  shakes a day. The fluid ounces of your shakes (if your doing them) count toward your liquids total too.You will get there. The timing is different for everyone.





on 12/12/12 11:25 am
VSG on 08/16/12

I drink almost 100 oz a day...you just have to make sure you schedule your day.  If you can be drinking 30 min before and 45 min after meals, you should be drinking.  I am never without a water bottle or glass of water.  It is extremely important to get in the water.  You won't be getting hydration from food like you did before.  Dehydration is serious and will make you feel crummy!

  Tracker starting weight = surgery weight    