25 days from suregery and struggling to stay on course...
My biggest struggle was with beer. I've actually always been a healthy eater but when I am busy with kids and life I would just grab fast food, starve for hours then gorge...
But beer... I LOOOOVE me some beer. I am crazy into microbrews, homebrews, hell I used to special order a bomber for myself once a week, sometimes dropping $30 on just one bottle of beer. When I was told I couldn't have carbonation after the sleeve that was almost a deal breaker. But as much as I love beer, it is not worth staying fat and unhappy. I love the best me more than I love beer. Did I drink like a fish leading up to my fasting date? I counted to midnight the day before my fast with a beer. But when that day came, I committed myself fully because anything short of that would make it pointless.
I'm in the "do what you got to do" camp... if it's stuffing your face with your favorite foods just do it... but only if you can put the fork down and get serious about this major surgical alteration you are making to your body. What you should be asking yourself is how will I feel after I eat this? Satisfied or guilty? You need to share these anxieties with your family because they are on this journey with you. Support from my family and friends and sheer willpower got me through those two weeks of liquids, still making 3 meals and 2 snacks a day for my family. That, and the guilt I knew I would have if I caved. Because if I caved before, I would surely cave after. You just make it work. After the surgery I was and still am so dertermined to make this work that I haven't allowed myself to screw this up.
I actually had a really tough time cooking because instinctively I taste... I remember the second day of my fast I was making glazed baby carrots and I took a bite not really aware I had only to realize I did, freaked out and spit it out. Hubby and I got a good laugh over that one. Just be kind to yourself. You spent a lifetime making bad eating habits and it will take a while to rewire your brain but in the meantime quit beating yourself up and lighten up!
Lighten up ( that's cute btw ) is exactly what I plan to do. I am lucky that college football season for me just ended (12-0 Buckeyes!!) because that would have been a whole other hurdle. I think cheese will be my kryptonite, that being said you are so right about getting serious, this is a very big step i am taking and I have put a lot of thought and time into this decision and what it could mean for my life. I really appreciate you and everyone sharing their stories with me, I don't think you all know how much it means to me to have other people who have been through ( or are going through) this to share my thoughts and feelings with. My pre-op class is Wednesday so hopefully then I will learn about the pre-op diet people are referring to. I feel sometimes as if i am in the dark. Thanks!
The 'food funeral' or 'one last time to eat this' thinking is normal but completely unwarranted. I scheduled 2 'last meals' the two days prior to my pre-op diet and ate at our favorite Mexican and Chinese restaurants - but not more than a normal meal at that time. I'm 5 months out and we go back to those restaurants about every other week and I still have most of my favorite foods with a few changes (no rice or noodles at the Chinese restaurant - and no rice or tortillas at the Mexican restaurant.) I make better choices on what I have and the portions are smaller but otherwise the same great flavors are there and I still get full!! You can cook for your family and still take altered portions of that great food and make yourself small meals and freeze them. That way after your surgery when you're getting back to regular food you'll have them ready. The mistake I made, and it looks like most everyone makes, is thinking "I'll never get to have that again"! That's wrong, you just won't get as big a portion and you'll be taking out the things that are bad for you but you'll still get full and you'll feel much better about those foods when you don't gain weight from eating them!! Glad you posted and hope it helps. Most of us have been where you are and I encourage you not to give up! Take it one day at a time and you'll be fine!