I have not had this problem, but I wanted to respond... These boils could be nothing more than just an irritation, but they could also be something much worse. Please see your doctor as soon as possible. Staff and MRSA are becoming increasingly common outside of the hospitals. I would insist my doctor swab and test for serious infection before it has any chance to burrow deeper and cause serious damage.
I don't mean to cause alarm. Just please take care of your self!
Hi, I am scheduled for surgery next week, however being a type II diabetic, boils are a constant worry. I have been using Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree or Eucalyptus Castille soap for 2 years now and it keeps the boils away and should I get one, it gets rid of it fast. I wouldn't suggest using it on a daily basis unless you have a break out until it's cleared. I use it every three days for maintenance. You can find it at Target in the beauty aisle. Here is the web site as well.
I had a caesarian with my first daughter and contracted hospital acquired MRSA and it was horrible. It was so horrible I opted for a VBAC with my second child and was terrified of having the VSG because of my experience. I had boils in my arm pits and bra lines. I would absolutely go to your doctor and have them looked at. They had to biopsy mine and send it to the lab so they could get the correct antibiotics to treat the kind I had, but it worked and I haven't had another issue since. Use hot compresses and DO NOT try and pop them yourself. If it is MRSA or any other kind of staff you will spread it elsewhere. It could be a simple skin irritation but I thought if it was painful or alarming enough to post about it they are probably more then just skin irritations. I hope you feel better soon!
I agree 100% go to the doctor. Use a hot wash cloth on the affected area and than cover with PRID and a waterproof Band-Aid. If you want it gone PRID will do it. It's a homeopathic remedy the doctor won't tell you about but it work and it works fast.
on 11/27/12 1:21 am - Montreal, Canada
I get boils often because I have hidradenitis suppurativa, I'll get them under the breast, armpit, groin... thankfully I haven't had any in a while, but they can get really bad and painful. I use Osmopak on it with a layer of gauze over top, it helps drain it. Good luck, abcesses are NO fun.