Things that are better than food....
1) Having my 9 year old put his arms around me and say "wow, I can touch my elbows now"
2) Having my husband look at me in "that" way, He always has, but its different now
3) buying bras in Victoria's secret
4) Not being embarrassed to write something on my board and having my backside to my students
5) SHOPPING all day
6) fitting in a Jacuzzi tub with my husband and having room to spare
7) being able to stand and teach all day and still have energy to cook a nice meal for my family at night
8) driving an SUV and feeling like I'm small in it instead of looking like I Fit in it
9) having people look at me different
10) my students from last year saying "OMG Mrs. you are beautiful"
11) my husband looking at me (did I mention that?)
12) Being able to go on a weekend getaway with my hubby and walk EVERYWHERE we go and still having energy
13) My boss telling how good I look (the truth is, it's more comforting to have healthy employees)
14) being able to keep up with my 3 year old
15) enjoying taking pictures
16) feeling proud of myself each day
17) Look forward to flying on a plane and not feeling squished
18) The Jacuzzi hot tub with husband (did I mention that)
19) Carrying myself upright and proud instead of looking at the ground when walking
20) being proud of myself for once instead of ashamed and embarrassed
21) seeing light at the end of the tunnel and starting to live my life the way God intends me to live my life
22) being an inspiration for my students. I'm sad to say that there are many of them who are heavier than I am.
Zip lining in Hawaii and being told to curl up in a ball because the line was a long one and I didn't weigh enough to make it to the end!!!
Cute Boots that my calves actually fit in!!!!
Size 4P
doing 50 sit ups without getting out of breath
Having lots of new friends--especially our Wednesday night support group friends
Did I mention zip lining in Hawaii????? Most fun I have ever had.

1. Doing an 11 minute mile
2. 30" waist Lucky Brand jeans
3. I don't have to carry a sweat rag around to wipe my brow. Actually, the only time I sweat now is when I'm working out and doing cardio!
4. Fitting in to the tiniest spaces when I knew there was no way I could!
5. Energy, energy, energy!
6. Size small in mens - not always, but most of the time!
7. Slim fit jeans. Me? Really? YES!!!!
8. Dressing the way I like to dress and not having to settle for what fits.
9. Being told I'm sexy and actually believing it!
10. My hubby loves me just as much as when I was obese!