Day 3 - post op at home with a migraine! Yuck!
Well, so far, so good -- except for the migraine that just hit. Lovely. Luckily the meds I take are very small, so I've popped one of those and that seems to be working for now! I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I got one!
Oh well, hopefully, it will be gone in a few hours. I usually take a handful of Motrin as a chaser, but no NSAIDs for me! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Other than the migraine -- all is well. I am able to get in all 64 oz. of liquids and I've put a little protein powder in my broth.
Tomorrow I start full liquids, so I'll be getting my protein in shakes and puddings -- so overall, I'm doing well.
From a pain perspective, I haven't taken any pain meds since immediately post-op (because of the nausea). The only pain I have is when I try to pick up something out of the floor -- or try to lay down in bed. I am sleeping sitting up, and that works just fine.
I had very little gas and gas pain as well. I have burped quite a bit -- but nada from the other end. I had two BMs while still in the hospital, so all my parts are working fine! I had read that many people have sharp gas pains in the shoulder area, but none for me. I have had a little bit of what I expect is gas in my groin area -- weird. But not much.
Well, gotta go -- the light from the monitor and loud sound of my finger****ting the computer keys is getting to me -- guess I'd better take dose 2 of the migraine meds!