The Joys of Reflux

on 11/16/12 1:16 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
I ran out of my granulated PPI after 3 months and suddenly had terrible reflux. Went to my GP and got a scrip for the same drug in tablet form. It worked - sort of. It got better once I started crushing the tablet and I had no reflux at all while we were on holiday in Honolulu.

We came home 2 weeks ago and the reflux returned. Not every day, but often enough and badly enough to make me pretty uncomfortable. Was it the coffee? Nope - I drank more coffee on holiday than at home. Hmmm...

I googled "what causes reflux" and may have found my answer. The site I found said that a common cause is over large portions that don't allow the sphincter at the stomach to close properly, allowing acid to splash up into the oesophagus. (Can be caused by damage to the sphincter or a hiatal hernia etc, but since I had NO issues on holiday I don't think those things are the problem)

I looked back at how I ate on holiday. I didn't track at all, but what I DID do was have 2 shakes a day to make sure I got in my protein, then eat normal foods at my 5 normal times a day with 1 rule. I ate slowly and mindfully and STOPPED at the first small feeling of pressure that told me Fred was almost full. That's all.

When I got back I went back to weighing and measuring, but not paying close attention to Fred. I was within my calories and macros, but something was very wrong. Hmm...

So - decided to try an experiment and cut my portions by about a third - and pay more attention to Fred's small signals. I'm noticing an improvement already. I still need the PPI, but now it's doing it's job. Who knew that even 1/2 cup of food could be too much? Obviously not me.


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 11/16/12 2:34 am - Rialto, CA
VSG on 09/04/12 with

I have had GERD (acid reflux) for the last 5 years and since surgery, I have been having great conversations (with some yelling on both sides) with "Bruce". For a while he was getting very upset with me that I kept eating too fast. blushI too started listening to him and immediately stop eating or drinking at any little "peep".

Before surgery it was the kinds of foods causing the arguments. Now it is the amount. Go figure.

Jennifer B.
(Can't wait to meet the new me!)
HW: 288  SW: 270.2   CW: 199.8  GW: 170-180   Hgt: 5'10" 

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