Bad Taste in my mouth 6 mos out?
Well I will be 7 months out next week. These past two weeks I just have this taste in my mouth that wont go away! The only way I can describe what it taste like is if you have ever ate a CREAM PUFF and you get that cream taste left in your mouth I know gross... but its really becoming a pain in my mouth! not really but the weird thing is it comes about afternoon ish and stays all night no matter if I brush my teeth and rinse its still there.
Has anyone else had this or am I just the crazy one??
VSG on 04/21/12
If you low carb it is ketosis. It is a good thing! Some people buy strips to pee on to make sure they stay in ketosis. Your breath confirms it. Ketosis is the reason people doing adtkins lose weight quickly.
VSG on 04/21/12
On November 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM Pacific Time, jacreasy wrote:
I work with Kidney Docs It might be good to lose weight but its not good for your Kidneys and w/o those we would all be in trouble. If that is the case I think I might be upping my Carbs!