Almost 5 years out and way off track ***Need Motivation***

on 10/9/12 5:36 am - Lampasas, TX
VSG on 11/13/07 with
I got a VSG almost 5 years ago (can't believe it's been that long!!).  I lost weight but at about 6-8 mos out was feeling really comfortable/complacent at 70 lbs gone and just under 200 lbs.  So even though I went back to old habits, I have been the exact same weight (maybe up/down 1-2 lbs) all this time.  It is TIME to get back to program and finish off the last 30-40 I need to go.  Should I start liquid diet all over again to Kick Start or start taking out carbs and putting protein back?  I still eat much smaller portions; that hasn't changed, just not the right foods.  I was never good on the water intake and resorted to *gasp* sweet tea to compensate for what I thought I was missing in foods.  I am not unhappy with myself, but realize I need to go down a bit further. I never exercised either, and am seriously thinking about joining a gym as a start.  Is it too late, or can I still start the losing trend again?  Anyone else been in similar situation?
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/12 5:41 am - Greater Austin Area
VSG on 02/03/12
Hello there!
Well you have a big victory in and of itself for maintaining your weight loss this long! To get the rest off--yep I can bet that exercise would be a big help and so would cutting out those carbs. Are you still eating protein first? I bet that would eliminate a lot of your carb intake right there. Make sure you are tracking your food on myfitnesspal to at least get an idea of how much you're eating and maybe make it a permanent change.

I heard about the 5 day pouch test working for some people to get the cravings out of their systems. Lord knows I'll probably never do it unless I'm desperate because I hate protein shakes but I can see the allure of it. I won't say I'll NEVER do it lol.

BTW, I'm in Killeen. Howdy neighbor!
on 10/9/12 5:49 am - Lampasas, TX
VSG on 11/13/07 with
Thanks for the quick reply.  I haven't been to this site in years but today something drew me to up, prolly guilty conscience.  :)  Yeah, I'm really not feeling the liquid thing, but maybe with emphasis on protein and exercise that would help some.  I have been slacking on that for sure; and since you are in this area you understand what an enemy sweet tea is (Bushs!), that is a definitely weakness for me.  I haven't concentrated on protein intake whatsoever since way back when.  I eat such small portions still (yet not the right foods, just a little of what I want) that is probably why I've hovered at the same weight.  I'm really not much of a snacker or sweet/dessert kind of eater, so the big calories are coming from the tea and meals...Thanks again, it helps to hear from people.  Seems like it's still the same then, protein, protein, protein! :)
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/12 7:05 am - Greater Austin Area
VSG on 02/03/12
Oh goodness that Bush's sweet tea is full of sugar. How much of that are you drinking? I looked up the calorie content and carb content online and it says a 32 ounce glass has 130 calories and 6 carbs. I guess that would add up if you drink a lot of it.

I used to drink the Bush's sweet tea several years ago. It's cheap and you can buy it by the gallon. My husband still drinks it about once a month.
on 10/9/12 7:51 am - Lampasas, TX
VSG on 11/13/07 with
I drink alot of it, all day long.  Most all of my calories/carbs are definitely in the liquid form so gotta really work on that.  I believe if I could just taper down/cut out that and add exercise I might start losing slowly again.  Need to add the protein in (Boo!).  Before I was doing 1 of those protein bullets a day, I think they were 42g and besides diet more packed with protein that was it.  I don't think I ever got up to 75-80 g like some here do and that would be hard now.  I need to start tracking to see how much I'm actually getting now, I'm sure 1/2 that easily.
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/12 8:16 am - Greater Austin Area
VSG on 02/03/12
Hi Melony
Please consider making your own tea and sweetening it with splenda or stevia or maybe even that new truvia stuff.  I do that with my tea. I can't drink or eat  very much sugar because I was type 2 diabetic and even though it's in remission now since I've lost the weight, I am afraid it will come back so I steer clear. I try to drink mostly water but I do drink tea and sometimes coffee and always use splenda or stevia. Some people just put lemon in their tea to give it some flavor because they think the sweeteners are evil. I guess it can be if it makes you crave sugary foods--but it doesn't have that effect on me. I bet even just that little change from sugar to splenda or stevia would help since they are pretty much calorie free. I think the mio waters are pretty good too. If I am too tired or  lazy to do an intense work out I will just get on my exercise bike for 30-45 minutes and get my heart rate up for a little while.
on 10/9/12 8:26 am - Lampasas, TX
VSG on 11/13/07 with
Yeah, I need to find a different sweetner.  I can't do the sweet/low, equal, splenda for any amounts as it causes me some gastric issues for some reason.  I haven't looked into the newer ones but certainly will!  And unsweet, well I don't care for that or plain water.  I loved the propels for a bit, but due to whatever artificial sweetner they started using had problems with that as well.  Thanks for your suggestions, I will start researching alternative sweetners.  Of course I also like beer on occasion and that is totally empty calories.  I'm not able to drink any carbonated beverages (used to drink like 7-8 cans diet coke a day), they bother my stomach too much.  Strange but a good thing now.  It's a miracle that I have been able to maintain this long, and I'm so very, very grateful for that..just have to get a little bit more off.
on 10/9/12 5:51 am - MI
VSG on 03/08/12
You so can get back on track.  Doing any and or all the things you mentioned will work.

Track your food.  Count protein and calories, at least.  I am still losing steadily at 1200 calories and at least 80 grams of protein a day, usually hit at least 90 though.  Go back to your original plan.  Ask your surgeon for reminder copies.  

I do not believe in not getting to a healthy goal weight / BMI.  Meaning, those that just say they cannot lose anymore weight, but have not hit a healthy BMI.  Almost always, unless they have a metobolic disorder they are off from their plan and not tracking what they eat.  The math just doesn't work that way with calories in vs calories out, especially if you are getting in your protein and water.  Exercise will certainly help too and lower carbs helps with cravings.

But most of all, your desire to get those last pounds off, that will get you to goal.  Use it!  Want it!  For you and only you!  Believe you can do it.  Your tool obviously still works, since you still eat small quantities, just change what you are eating.  Get back to a protein shake for breakfast, or greek yogurt and fruit for lunch.  Some lean fish, chicken, veggies.  Still have your treats, just track them.  I believe in you.  

Blessings on your journey!  You have done great keeping it off, that is amazing, now get to your next goal!  You can do it!
  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
on 10/9/12 8:27 am - Lampasas, TX
VSG on 11/13/07 with
How are you hitting 80-90 gr protein a day?  I don't think I was even to do that in early stages.  Kudos to  you!  And Congrats on your losses, you look like you're doing just great!
on 10/9/12 10:16 pm - MI
VSG on 03/08/12
Average day:

PlantFusion Protein shake:  180c / 31P (have had this every day but one for breakfast since surgery, hasn't gotten old yet.  Love the simplicity of just making a shake and out the door I go)

2 oz beef patty:  95c / 14P
Cheese Stick 80c / 6P
sugar snap peas and hummus 120 c / 2P

Greek Yogurt 130c / 12P
Walnuts 95c / 2P

2 oz chicken breast 60c / 9P
1/4 c mozarella 90c / 7P
Salsa 30c / 0P

1/2 c lowfat cottage cheese 80c / 13P
fruit 60c / 0P

Total:  96 Protein
Calories:  1020

This would actually be a lower calorie day for me, usually I hit closer to 1200. Sometimes I fit another small meal in or have a snack before bed.  Usually some granola and yogurt or some trail mix.  Sometimes no sugar added ice cream.
  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
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